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    What has happened to The Station?

    When I was first going to bars, The Station was actually my very first bar I had ever been to. I don't know if I loved it because it popped my bar-cherry... or if it was legitimately a good bar, but I DO know it's a small shell of it's former self.

    I went to The Station just for old time's sake a few weekends ago. It was a Friday/Saturday night (can't remember).. a night when any successful bar would be packed. Remembering my younger nights at The Station, I assumed it would be slammed.. but it was completely empty.

    They had a live band on their calendar, but there was no band playing. When I inquired as to why, an employee told me that the band was sent home because the bar was too empty for them to make any money. Since the band got sent home before I arrived, I am not certain as to why I was charged $5 cover. Cover charges when there;s no band or DJ really aggravate me.

    I only stuck around for about 30 minutes. Played a couple rounds of pool, and walked next door to Penthouse instead.

    When I got to Penthouse, I saw the owner of the Station in there..

    So there's that ;)

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    The staff were a little too friendly & the guy who said he was manager clearly had one drink too many. He was very generous in giving us free shots & when we didn't like the second one (a Jager-concoccion), he took 'em for himself! The background music consisted of Evanescence, Nickleback, Seether, etc & was very loud. Too loud.
    Inside, the place was fairly clean & orderly. LSU & other sports memorabilia throughout. They do have a full-service kitchen with standard pub-fare. We didn't order anything (not hungry at the time), but their kitchen is open late & probably does really well during game nights.
    All-in-all, The Station was not really my scene. I've been to many places that play loud jukebox music,  which I am not opposed to at all. I just feel that the music was way too loud even by nightclub standards. I am not trying to persuade the Yelp public from checking this place out & if you like hard rock hits & Jagermeister, look no further. Otherwise, there's better places to go in BR.

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    Wings and fries are good. Tuesday nights they have a live DJ. DjPk1 was everything the other nite!

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    Oh gosh! I just had the loveliest dinner here. My waiter was a beautiful girl named Alex who was just brilliant. The restaurant is trying to revamp itself and is working on creating new items for the menu. Ask for a speciality food item here. YOU WON'T REGRET IT. Love it.

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    I'm surprised this place only has three reviews. The only reason it's not getting 5 stars is because I HATE smelling like smoke when I go out. Every time I've come here I go home smelling like smoke. Yuck. But other than that, I am a fan of this place. The bartenders are friendly - Christy and Holly are great. They have two bars, which is always nice. They offer live music in one area. They also have pool tables!

    Good place to hangout!

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    This bar is definitely a sports bar on you first impression. It is separated into two bars. The main bar is your traditional long bar that wraps around the corner with two pool tables and golden tee. Upon entrance if you turn right through some double doors is a performance based bar with high quality sound system and has more of a sports lounge feel. On Wednesday nights this space is used as a comedy showcase, while bringing in headliners from coast to coast and everywhere in between. Music follows the show to help you keep the fun going. The most impressive part of this bar is the beer selection. Every beer you could desire and some hard to find brands in this region such as New Belgium Fat Tire and Yuengling

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    I must preface this review with the fact that I am definitely not part of the target audience of this bar. I haven't been here many times but every time I have it's been an ordeal. Invariably, at one point you will bump into someone as you navigate the long narrow corridor to go to the restroom or to grab a drink. This bump will most likely result in you being verbally assaulted. This has happens to me every time I have come here, even times when it is their fault I was bumped into. If you are into sports memorabilia they do have this in spades. They also have a pretty decent burger and a huge chicken tender tray. Other than that I can't think of anything else positive to say. Your mileage may vary.

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    Packed!!! Basically this is the go to bar for the older crowd in B.R. and around 12 it is extremely packed.  There are two rooms one w/ a band and an area to dance the other with a pool table and just bar area.  The cover is usually $5 dollars and everyone gets in.  Drinks aren't too expensive and depending on the band the music can range from awesome to not-so great.

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