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    Great bar, most bartenders on point.

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    Cool neighborhood bar to hang out in.  The place is hit or miss on crowds.  You can walk in an be the only one there, or you can walk in and the place will be packed.  Sometimes they have a live band or DJ playing on friday or Saturday nights.

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    I was only here once but I had a great time! Nice layout, not too big but spacious enough that people weren't standing on top of each other. I didn't have anything to drink since I was driving but everyone that was drinking seemed to be enjoying themselves and never complained about anything being expensive. It is very laid back with high top tables to sit and enjoy your drinks and a seating area in the back with some couches. There are tv's all around showing different sports games. My favorite part of this place was their shuffle board game! Me and my friends played this for hours! It's not standard shuffle board that's on the ground, it is raised up but the concept is the same. We were lucky it wasn't crowded the night we were there so no one else wanted to play. Definitely a fun touch for the bar. They have darts as well to play. There's something for everyone. They also played a great mix of music. Fun place and definitely want to go back soon!

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    Good people every time I duck in this spot. Good looking bartenders, tv's, jukebox, a couple games towards the back...what more do you need in a bar?
    Plus I heard they have parties once or twice a month that get crazy poppin! I'm definitely gonna have to check one out!

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