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    Oh, Subway.  Where do we start?  Ask them to change gloves if you don't like the cross contamination and things might be fine.

    The service was better than most Subways and they are more than happy to make sure you have everything you need.  If you don't want it, just keep letting them know.  Then, there should be no problem.

    It is conveniently located by in a shopping nexus and with ample public transportation.  Check it out for a very quick bite -still a step up from McDonald's.

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    I mean, it's Subway.  What do you expect?

    It's all just Subway here, BUT the workers do no know how to listen.  I work a half a block away and frequent this place.  It's always the same, "easy mustard please" and then there is a disgusting amount of mustard on my little 6 inch sub.  For some reason, they just don't get it.  So then i tried saying "Just a little mustard please"...same result.

    I don't have high expectations when coming here, I just try and be patient and very specific with what I want and cross my fingers hoping for the best.

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    Is it a health code violation to be slurping and sucking on a lollipop while making sandwiches? Also, as a "sandwich artist" shouldn't you listen to what the customers want on their sandwiches as you make them? Especially since we are watching you make them!? I mean, after you ask me three times in a row what type of bread I want and still grab the wrong one, I'm gonna get a little pissed.

    If you're craving subway in the South Loop methinks you should visit one of the 40 others within this two block radius.

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    So, I have to agree with James G. on his assessment of this location in that the phrases "Chips and a Drink for a combo..." "do you want Chips and a drink for a combo..." are repeated over and over again in a voice that haunts you well after you leave the greasy doors.

    The only and I repeat only reason I go to this Subway is because it is in close proximity to my daily grind, otherwise I would not even go back.  It's pretty loud in here because the employees insist on up selling every second, phrases like "want to make it a foot long", "double mean double cheese?"  "Double meat double cheese for dollar more", and the infamous "chips and a drink for a combo" are repeated one million times that sometimes to save the headaches, I fantasize about jumping behind that counter and making the darn sandwich myself but refrain because a couple of the employees scare me.  

    Now that I've established my love for this place, I should talk about the food.  The food is o.k. typical Subway tastes, the only thing I can't stand here are the drum roll please...Tomatoes, oh goodness do those tomatoes taste terrible.  It never fails, they are always mushy, or pink, or pink and mushy, I hate their tomatoes. blech.

    If you must order from this Subway, save yourself some unnecessary drama and just take it to go.

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    Ugh, I ordered the Oven Roasted Chicken Breast sandwich here 4 months ago and haven't been to a Subway since.  It was awful.  This place angers me because they ask you 10 times if you want "chips and drink."  3 times for "extra meat" and once for every other extra.  You can't get through the line without saying "No" two dozen times.

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