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    Hey! everybody its not in my personality to slam a business.... but When my gay friend went to Switch last night and they TOTALLY insulted him by stopping a song midway and telling him.. we're not a FAG Bar anymore.
    I don't know about you but we are all in this together gay, straight, lesbian, bi, trans. I don't know wtf they are thinking but I am calling on my community to help with this

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    Switch is the kind of place that if you want to party, bring your party people with you. Nobody ever wants to dance, so its a good thing I brought a lot of friends and we made our own dance party! We did make a dance line which was super fun. Also when the bar closed at 2am, we started singing Journey and everyone in the bar chimed in. My suggestion is bring your crew with you, the only good thing is theres plenty of room to dance.

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    OMG, there's a smalltown gay bar near my hometown.  this warms the cockles of my heart. and yes, it's called "Switch" now.  i came in on a Wednesday right before the winter holiday rush so things were admittedly rather tame, but the bartender was still a doll (complimentary eggnog shooters for everyone!) and the clientele made me feel right at home.  and have i mentioned HOLY @#$* A GAY BAR RIGHT NEAR WHERE I GREW UP?!??!?  totally changes my view of NE Jersey.  this will be a regular stop on my trips home from now on.

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