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    The biggest decision of the work day where are we going to eat. Since we were out on the southside we decided to eat somewhere that some of my co workers knew so we ended up here. Its a little white hutch with the founder family and noted Chicago. I got the steak supreme regular $3.50 and it was just okay. I feel like this was stumbled upon one day when the owner had steak some rolls and decided to.do his own spin on a philly/beef sandwich. To me its too sweet maybe add some hot giardinara and the sandwich becomes better. I like to try the Turkey cause after I order 6 people orderd it so I'll give them another chance if I'm out Southeast.

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    i use to come here a lot when i was younger for ice cream, i would get chocolate chip and my little sister would always get bubble gum. it wasn't until I was a teenager that i discovered their sandwiches. i wasnt really into the hoagies but I fell in love with the steak sandwich it was sooo good, that sweet tangy sauce, the tender beef and the soft roll. well i was out with a friend of mine and after a night of getting slapped it was time to go home as soon as i got into her car the aroma of hoagie hit me she had bought it for some dude but for some reason she ended up not giving it to him lucky for me, after scraping the lettuce and the other junk i dont like i ate one of the best sandwiches i have had in a long time it was so good that the next day after heavy weekend day drinking i had to go get a steak and boy did it not disappoint. i fell in love all over again

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    They need to step their game back up!  The food is not what it use to be.  You maybe fooled by the crowd outside.  Some are there to order food, the others are there to sell stuff outside the restaurant.  No, I don't want a dvd, I can go to RedBox!  Anyway, they never have white turkey meat, then take it off your menu!  They need a restaurant make over from top to bottom!

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    Best hoagies EVER! I grew up eating these and thankfully it is not near my home. I would definitely be in trouble if it was.  Definitely a must try, but you will get addicted.

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    I ditto everyone here that have written paragraphs about the hoagies and steak.  You wanna man to like you, dress sexy.  You want him to marry you, bring him a Taurus.  I moved to the burbs and I hate that I can't have my drug of choice when I get that itch, (nawww..mean)  But maybe that's a good thing.  When I do come to the city, thats where you'll find me bringing back 10 at a time.  All for me!!!! well actually I got my boyfriend from NY hooked on them as well.  

    Please dont ever change and get some locations in the NW surburbs.  I know white ppl will love them as much as black folks

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    I have never tasted better hoagies. I just love the South Side with its many hidden gems. The place does not look like much and slightly dark looking from the outside but, its always packed. Its my personal heaven when I want something with overall goodness. Although, you would put on major pounds eating them constantly.

    I usually go on a Wednesday or Friday. Wednesday they have specials on the steak hoagy and the small hoagy. I mean you cannot beat $2.75 for a hoagy, pop, and chips or $3.75 for a steak combo.

    Now, I must introduce you to "The way of the hoagy". It is a certain way that you should enjoy this little peace of deliciousness, It starts by finding a old shirt that you care nothing about. Then, you unwrap the sandwich slowly. It is now time to enjoy, bite into the sandwich vertically. Hoagy juice will get all over the shirt. It is the sign that you did these steps successfully.

    P.S. Strictly Cash Only!

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    I'm a fan. There are reasons why places stick around for over 40 years: loyal customer base, quality product, consistency. I can't speak for factors 1 or 3, but 2 impressed me and I can see why people flock from all over to get their mitts on one of these hoagies.

    They're delicious. Simply put. But, before I get to that, understand that there's a process to enjoying the sandwich. First, park behind the building. You might be tempted to park on the street. Don't. Stony Island is busy and crowded. If you attempt to park your vehicle while folks are flying past at 70 mph, there will be words. You will not want to hear them. Park in back. Then, once you've parked, walk inside, bypass the dude with the karate kid breath (cuz it was KICKIN'!) trying to sell bootleg DVDs, walk to the right side of the counter (as you're facing it), peruse your selection, step up, order, step back. While the folks behind the counter won't soup nazi your n00b azz, the folks waiting for their food will. Again, 40+ years. Don't screw the system. Once you've ordered (make sure you get chips and some sort of HFCS fruity soda; I chose grape), step up, pay (CASH ONLY) and get out. There's no seating, so come with a plan as to where you're going to dine. Got it? Good.

    Now, for the sandwich. Excuse me, the hoagie. I loved the fact that I didn't have to ask for a turkey sandwich and be looked at strangely. In the home of Italian Beef and steakhouses galore, not being a beef eater is, sometimes, a weighty label to bear. Here, you can get your turkey on without so much as a side-eye. I got the Regular (regular-sized/medium). It came packed with smoke turkey, cheese, oil, onions, vinegar, tomatoes, pickles, and herbs. It was very oily -- in a good way. You know, the way that makes the hard bread soft enough t be chewy and requires you to sop? Yeah, sop. It's like that. And, I savored every bite. The hoagie can be a mess, but if you are prepared and stacked with napkins, you'll be fine. Of course, the best thing to drink with such a hoagie is a brightly-colored HFCS soda with a fruity name. As mentioned earlier, I chose grape and I was wise to do so. Eating my meal, I felt as though I was participating in a Chicago tradition and I felt honored to have done so. Taurus Flavors *is* Chicago and I am so pleased to have finally experienced it. Maybe next time I'll take advantage of the ice cream and cookie selection... and maybe = definitely.

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    Great Hoogies and good prices

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    This is one of those "hidden treasures" of the south side!  

    Being raised in Michigan (which really doesn't have a "foodie" reputation to begin with), I was woo'ed by MANY foods when I moved here to Chicago back in 1997! This was from pizza to asian food, Greek food, to simple spots like J&J Fish!  I thought I had a "hoagie" when I tried Mr. Submarine's sandwiches...and, for the most part, I was pretty close to the ultimate.  However, it wasn't until 2005 when a dear friend of mine offered to bring me lunch at work that I was knocked OFF MY FEET by what was a white turkey breast hoagie from Taurus Flavors!  Being that I was raised not eating pork, I was beyond impressed that this place served absolutely NO PORK in their restaurant...only turkey and beef products!  I'm thinking "WHAT? A spot in Chicago that DOESN'T SERVE PORK AT ALL?? NO WAY!"  LOL

    Anyway, I have tried the steak hoagies and the turkey and both are FABULOUS!! Best hoagies I have ever tasted in my life!

    The service is strictly professional. No joking around or jive talk from the staff. And my orders have never been given to me with any errors.

    I currently reside in Naperville and every now and again, I will drive an hour all the way over to grab a few sandwiches to take back to the burbs (and pick up a few extras for my friends nearby) if I get a craving!

    This place is definitely worthy of way more than 5 stars... They deserve 20!


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    Yeah, the sandwiches are good. I go here repeatedly, no problem with this place at all! The steaks are B-

    I just wish Home of the Hoagie was closer! A++

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    THIS...  Is a Special Review for a place I have LOVED since before the internet and Long before I knew what a review was.  If I could: I would give this place 11 stars.  Every Other word would be BOLD.  Every third phrase would flash.  There Would be an embedded audio track of my own creation SINGING the praises of this place.  As tacky as I think all of those things are, and as much as I Hate to see them... If allowed, I would Not be able to stop myself.  Thank you Yelp for your forced moderation.  No, REALLY.... Thank You.

    Long story shortened, I have LOVED this place for 25+ years.  I choose no to be more specific.  Although over that period I have probably had everything on their menu, there is only one thing I do or even Need to remember.  

    @}------- ** The Supreme Steak ** -------{@

    Yes.  It gets it's own line, with roses & padding.  You didn't see it, but I just added more.

    I have lived in or near Chicago, New Orleans, Boston, Dallas, San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles, New York and visited Egypt, Beijing, Shanghai, South Korea, Italy, France, Puerto Rico and many other places that aren't jumping out at the moment but I have never had Anything that has moved me and stayed with me like a Taurus Flavors Supreme Steak.

    Think about that one thing in your life that you've eaten and there's NOTHING else that can take it's place.  You can go YEARS without it, forget you even ever had it, but the moment you're in it's vicinity, you're going to have it again, because its a fact of life like the rising and setting sun.  That is what the Taurus Flavors Supreme Steak for me.

    It's probably a really good thing I don't have regular access to them.  

    This probably shouldn't even be considered a review.  I have NO IDEA what the service is like.  I don't care.  I don't remember what the rest of the menu is like.  I don't care.  Calories? Cholesterol?  Fat? Sodium?  Price Range... I think it's cheap... I Don't CARE!  

    Go get a Supreme Steak.  Put it in your Mouth, and Thank Me Later.

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    This line has the potential to be out the door in the dead of winter. The sandwiches are made fresh to order and is fye as hell! Double steak no peppers or a large turkey w/oil. Back in the day when I was youngin and my metabolism was much faster I would get a steak AND a turkey and max it in one sitting. Can't do that anymore :((

    Great place for dirt cheap good food!

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    Good steak sandwich, the sauce is what makes it yummy.

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    This place is pretty good. The service is ok. Very no nonsense so make sure you know what you want. It's super crowded on Wednesdays due to their awesome hoagies specials. I love the chicken breast hoagie. The bread is always fresh and I love the oil and sweet peppers. This place is definitely becoming one of my favorites. Screw subway!

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    This place is a few miles from me. The food is okay but I think it's over priced by $2.

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    this is the place u go to if you lookin for a kickass hoagy or steak sanwich. the service is good and the food is one that shows what its all about over here on the southside of Chicago. the hoagies come in small, medium, and large, whereas, the steak sandwiches come in a small and a large. expect to pay anywhere from 4 to 6 bucks

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