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    Who needs to travel to the city for a good pastrami sandwich when you have a place like this right in town?

    I have to give this place 5 stars for what it is, compared to other Kosher deli's and for the quality of food and the price.

    I have gotten lunch here at least 30 times, always consistent,  great high quality stuffed sandwiches along with high quality kosher fare. I have never been disappointed with anything I have ever eaten from here.

    Awesome matzoh ball soup :D

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    Been going here for years.  They certainly have pretty good food here. For the first timers, try a sandwich (roast beef or turkey) or a hot dog, or the bbq chicken and mashed potatoes.  The soups are pretty decent as well.

    There are a couple things I do not like about this place. First off, it is expensive.  I went a couple days ago and  I got one sandwich (turkey on rye) It came to over $10 (no drink, just a sandwich).  It wasn't huge or anything either justifying such a high price.  It was good, but not $10 good.  I also seem to get charged a different price for the same items I order depending on who is ringing me up-- that just seems strange.  Lastly, I notice that they handle the money and will make the food without washing their hands.  Money is a germ magnet and you either need to have 1 person who just handles cash or put on fresh gloves each time you make food.

    So although the food is very good, I don't go as often as I would because the prices are just too high for me.

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    I've been a fan of this delectable little kosher deli forever. Most of the time, their hot pastrami on rye is to die for - juicy and delicious. But on occasion, you'll get a bad batch. But walk into this place and the aroma is unbelievable - grab yourself a kosher dog w/ mustard n kraut, or a hot pastrami/corned beef on rye, or some of the delicious bbq chicken.....great place to try lots of different stuff, but watch the wallet.

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    It's been a wicked winter, in that I mean that it has knocked out every person in my family with some sort of cold, flu, virus, you name it. So the wise rule of thumb is to bring home some matzoh ball soup. On my way home, I picked up a container filled with honest good for you matzoh ball and noodle and brought it home to my husband. The service is bar none, and the soup, it helped my husband feel better. I look forward coming back!

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