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    We came here twice during our stay in this area, and I will definitely be back. Really friendly wait staff..they were super attentive, lots of coffee refills. The coffee was just okay...but the food was awesome. The eggs Benedict is the best! Also they have really good bacon. Nice relaxed atmosphere and you can sit outside which was nice. The place was nearly empty both week days we were there and service was quick!

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    Took a long time to get food... Long time for more coffee, after asking twice! Foods good but experience was ruined by waiting forever... Its breakfast... Turnover should be fast!  I do like the home fries and we went back for a second change and the owner was sweating his butt off helping.. that was great! He made day 2 a better experience because he was making sure everything was moving along quicker!

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    Didn't stay at the hotel... but good breakfast! Cheap, decent food - although a few negatives - service was appalling slow (but it was only OUR server - the others seemed very good) - and my muffin was stale and bought from a store. Boo.

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    Great spot for a fresh breakfast. It is attached to a hotel and efficiency stay apt's - that are very clean and have special rates for weekends etc.
    We were a bit skeptical when we saw the small cafe with no diners, but were pleased with the food and experience. When we heard the restaurant is really a side to the catering angle we knew the food would be fresh and tasty. The coffee was fine - had a special that was a seafood fritatta - loaded with lobster meat and cheese. I had poached with spinach and home-fries. All was fresh and hot. We had martin's as well and I have to say it was the best darn martini I have had in a long time. i guess the moral of the story is Caterers do it better! My sister is on vaca in the area so i will be back as well as her. FYI Pool and porch area not done yet:(

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