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    Rude, Rude, Rude! Extremely poor service, weak drinks, the place is covered in flies and filth. The music is so loud you can't even speak to your friends. Police are always waiting for you down the road. If I could give it zero stars I would.

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    Dive bar?  Yes.    Drinks?  STRONG and decently priced   Karaoke?  7 nights a week!!

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    A good dive bar! it's kind of small and the bartenders can't remembered what you ordered 3 seconds ago but when they finally get it right the drinks are good.

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    The place is small but it's comfortable. The karaoke is good. You can tell that most of the people that go there must be regulars. The drink prices are awesome and they make them strong! I definitely recommend this for a fun karaoke bar.

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    This is amongst the trashiest bars I've ever been to, and having lived in in West Texas most of my life, that is pretty impressive.  When I pulled into the parking lot and saw all of the UP police force gathered, I knew it was going to be trouble.  I love trouble, so I went in.  
    The bar was definitely about 50 people over capacity, but, hey, the more the merrier, right?  It took me 20 minutes to place my drink order, with the bartenders looking right at me several times, but they were really busy, so I didn't mind too much.  In the meantime, I was entertained by Tacoma's classiest bar patrons
    Closing time was awesome!  I found the Ladie's room, occupied but not locked, by some dude and chick with very few teeth.  Gross, but not beyond my expectations of this place.  I went back to close my tab, and the bartender screamed that they were closed and I needed to get out.  Again, I asked for my tab or my card.  And she was off to ignore me again.  Awesome!  Then about 3 different fights broke out, with no bouncer to be found.  With as many wannabe thugs in that place, you would think there would be some kind of security on a Sat. night.
    After being ignored and told to leave a few more times, I finally was able to close my tab.  
    Yeah, that won't be happening again.  If your looking for shitty service and a case of herpes, check this place out!

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    Nothing special, Karaoke every night which is kinda cool. Come to watch the local wildlife and leave after 2 hours tops. If you need a real bar, go to the Parkway.

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    This is a pretty fun place. The karaoke can be amazing or decent depending on how many good people go up there. One thing I will say that I love about here is that no matter what day of the week it is there is always quite a few people here.

    The bartenders are always nice. Like normal places the drinks are decent and if you get lucky they will be a bit more stiff.

    Only a few things I find I don't like about here. The bathrooms. Yes there are only 2 (1 Male, 1 Female) and the line on the weekends can get ridiculous, especially if you have to relieve yourself really bad. I wish it was a little larger than it is because some extra space in there would do some good. Lastly, careful if you go into the parking lots after closing because people fight sometimes, which shouldn't come as a surprise from a bar.

    Overall it's a good experience, a lot of locals here and good times. Weekends can get packed, so if you want a decent table plan on getting there a little earlier. If you're in UP and looking for a good bar to hang out at, I definitely recommend coming here.

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    Yes this is a dive bar

    Yes it's full of locals

    Yes they have a fun karoke bar.

    The bar tenders are friendly and promp with service of drinks.

    On tap they got pyramid, mac and jack, manny's, and the regular macro brews.

    So... if you want a place to just relax with friends w/o drive too far with in UP... I'd say yeah... it's a good time.

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    The UP Station is a dive. Straight up. People that go to the UP Station (if they're not there for the hilarity/irony of it) go there everyday, probably have for 20 years and will probably continue to go there for another twenty.

    There is ridiculous karaoke and, because it's the UP Station in Tacoma, you don't have to wait forever to get called up.

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