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    These people are racist. They called people racial slurs. The black people in the store were upset. I don't know why they are angry and miserable people. We called the police on them for locking us in the store. They had no justification. We accidentally spilled water. Do not give these people business. Read the other posts. These people are racist. They called me racial slurs. I called the police on them for locking me in the store. Do not go to this place. You will be treated badly. They had horrible service and they locked in the restaurant for no reason. This is criminal behavior. They are racist people you should watch out if you go in there. The local Forest Hills police agree this is a bad place. Do not go here!

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    They need to make it feel like a real lounge. Tables/chairs? why? Get some couches.  They always have teens in there. The music is always way to loud. It's a lounge NOT A CLUB. People are trying to talk and they end up yelling at each other. The hookahs a SUPER expensive. It's over priced, understaffed, and just annoying.

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    this place is fairly average and the hookah is average as well it is underwhelming  i have been here a few times and i can say it is just average

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    Would not come back here, I came here with a friend and we had order the strawberry hookah flavor. The waiter brought it to us within 10 mins (extra star), after the first 5 pulls I felt sick to my stomach; I rushed to the bathroom to puke! I don't know what was in it, but through out the years smoking hookah this never happened to me before. I will never come back to this place again!!!

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    All I can say is no thank you. The hookah is expensive for no reason because its not good at all. The crowd is all underaged annoying kids. The music sucks and even if it didn't, the place is so awkwardly designed that no one would dance there anyway.
    Better off going to the city and paying for something more reasonable.

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    I love their paan masala hookah! Its a bit on exp. side ($25) but worth it.
    I would give this place 4 stars but this place sadly is not very relaxing. They have restaurant style table and chairs which u cant relax on at all. When I am doing hookah and wanna curl snuggle into the couch while chatting and talking to my friends. This place does not have food either, no appetizers or anything or a dance floor. The music is ok. They sometimes put on bollywood music but thats it.

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    Saying "this place was sketchy" doesn't cover it. It was a bit of a late-night hookah but the crowd was either underage, extremely creepy, or both. The hookah was OK, but far too expensive. We waited for at least 45 minutes (it was cold and raining, too!) before being seated in the front where there were an assortment of old, saggy throw pillows. Again, satisfactory hookah, but far too overpriced.

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    Hookahs were bad and expensive.
    Felt like there was no one working.
    Ambience isn't really inviting. It's dark and loud and really not the place to be.

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    The BF and I have a small hookah at home and like to experiment with different flavor combinations and different liquids in the bottom, so we are no strangers to hookahs but this was our first time at an actually hookah lounge.  The novelty of the experience was entertaining.  However, the lounge itself was underwhelming and was definitely a hot spot for the underage crowd.  We got two hookahs for the group and I enjoyed the lemon drop one a lot more than the skittles flavored one.  I also really enjoyed getting to use a large hookah for a change and I think that I may look into getting a big one for the BF one of these days.  I guess size does matter.
    What I didn't like was the draft running through the place.  I couldn't impress the crowd with my awesome smoke rings since the room wasn't still enough.  I also didn't like the fact that they didn't serve booze.  Maybe it's just me but I really enjoy having a drink with my hookah.
    Since I have no frame of reference, this being my first hookah lounge, I can't really say how it stacks up to other places.  I enjoyed myself mainly because it was something that I had never done before.  However, I doubt that I will be coming back here.

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    I went here for a friend's birthday and I was highly disappointed when I first walked in. We sat in the front in the large couch which was comfortable but sank in too much. The fact that there was no bar killed the whole thing. And the hookah was disgusting, it had an off taste to all of them and we ordered three different ones.

    never coming back here again, and it was too over priced. I think I paid $20 for hookah, NOT WORTH IT.

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    Nothing good to report here folks. Keep it moving.

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    So it's $18 plus they don't serve liquor n it's not a live DJ at all it's a guy with his iPod. The hookah is pretty cheap it's ok but how does 2 can juices n a hookah come out to 65 idk it's honestly not worth even checking out!!

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    I went here last week for a friends get together. I have been here a couple of times before hand and the experience was just mediocre. This time around, it was outright horrible. The service is good, but the hookah was bad, the coal guy took forever to come give us new coals, the music was too loud to even talk to the person sitting right next to me.

    The prices of the hookah are waaaaaayyyy too much. I could go astoria and get two good tasting hookahs for the price that I paid here. It got really really busy after 9pm, thats when the service got horrible and i felt like I was being cornered in by them trying to accommodate other guests.

    Overall I would go to other lounges if I could. This is not the best.

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    Soooo I may or may not have been the oldest person in the joint. At 23, that's not saying much. It's like what they say about high schools, you really shouldn't be 30+ and hanging out in jailbait areas unless you're the janitor. The staff is pretty inattentive. "BRB GUYZ, I R SMOKING A HOOKAH BEHIND THE COUNTER" type deal.

    $20/hookah. Lawd, have mercy.  Hold on, I'm picking up my jaw from the floor. Plus tip? Not worth it. The flavors are not that great and I had the Sour Patch kid flavor? Kinda harsh and my throat was all scratchy afterwards. Bleh...

    The music? I thought the DJ was great. Mix of old school reggaeton, merengue, and bhangra? Haha, they remixed Suavemente with some bhangra beats.

    This place is super crowded and I don't suggest anyone to come here unless you're looking for your teenage sister who stayed out past her curfew.

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    Held my Birthday here.  Service was great and very accommodating.  Hookah was excellent!  Everyone had a good time...two thumbs up!

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    This place is one of my hotspots, one of the best hookah lounges I've visited. I would highly recommend this as a once every two weeks spot.

    Service (Good)
    Most of the time you go, there will always be a co-owner with in the store, helping with orders. If you have a large party they will try to place you in their "VIP" by the front which is basicly in a small area on a large comfy couch.

    Hookah (Really Good)
    There's never a problem here with the hookah flavor, you will always taste it. Plus their hookahs offer plenty of smoke with each pull. If the hookah isn't good or something is wrong with it, they have no problem fixing or replacing it for you. They also have someone walk down the hall and change anyones' coal who need its.

    Food (Good)
    Their food isn't made there, it is basicly ordered from a store around the are and brought to the lounge while it is still hot. The cheesy fries are great.

    Price (High)
    Their prices used to be around the same as Astoria and Steinway, but after stating their hookah is better than Steinway the prices went to $12 for regular hookah, $22 for fresh fruit and $18-28 (expect it to be $24-28) for their specials. Last year they started charging tax and now this year they started charging a 20% service fee.

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    Not a fan, music is too loud. Couldn't really talk with friends because we had to yell. The coal service was bad also, not to mention that their prices are expensive.

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    Great hookah, great music, very affordable. Mostly a desi crowd, which is fine with me, except for the young teens whom seem to occupy the place.

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    went here twice. first time i went, there was a guy at the door checking ID's who was such a jerk, name was Armin or something. So much atitude from that guy that I was gonna leave but  I stuck aronud since some friends were there already. They were very strict on ID.
    We had a table closest to the kitchen. 99% of the patrons were Arabic/Paki/SomethingOfThatSort teens, who kept frequenting to the kitchen. Is that hygenic?

    Music was blasting sooo loud for such a cramped place, you had to scream to talk. Their green tea sucked as well. However, the hookah itself was really good, I had the Spongebob flavor.

    Second time I went was early July, same experince except there was no one at the door checking IDS. Was very full, no one came by to see if everything was OK.

    Hookahs are like at least 12$ for a regular and about 22$ for a fresh fruit hookah. This place would be great since theres not much nearby competition and their hookah is DELISH, but service sucks and music is as loud as if it was a club. Please. Youre a hookah lounge.

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    Passed by Here Monday night 10 PM with a friend.

    Many new places here, good spot to hang around BUTTTT...

    Bunch of "Teenagers" coming out from this lounge.

    UH.... High School Joint.

    No thank you, Don't want to get in trouble with the teenies.

    Will come and try again on a different day or night and see what's up.

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