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    I love the food here,  the salmon coquette rocks and choose grits or potatoes to go with your eggs. I have taken several friends and we all agree. Excellent food and service along with a comfortable setting

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    I've tried many of Soul Food Restaurants, but Alice's is a cut above them all.  When you want "in your momma's kitchen" cooking this is the place to go.  If your a cook, then this is definitely the place to go

    Prices are reasonable, wait time is average, service (if eating in) depending on the day is average too.

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    When people think of soul food in Chicago they think of places like MacArthur's, Dusty's, Priscilla's, and Edna's....Alice's soul food is just as good--if not better than most of the places I named. Fresh greens, naval beans, black-eyed peas, chicken, cubed steak, smothered pork chops, perch and a host of other items that will make your mouth water. The wait for the food isn't too long (10-15min--cooked fresh), and the prices are very reasonable.

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