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    I can say that this place has improved since the last time I visited.  The dining room was not a disaster, and the kitchen area looked tidy.

    There was a rather long wait for everything, but it seems there was a manager out front and a manager in the back with another employee and it was between lunch and dinner rushes.  The good thing is that the front counter employee acknowledged my presence quickly.  That's better than the west side Burger King did.

    I'd stopped at this location many times and many years ago, worked in the building when it was owned by Rax.  My previous visit was a series of disasters and I couldn't find a clean table in the dining room.  Things seemed organized this time, so perhaps, my feedback to the people in Cincinnati made a difference.  No restaurant should be a mess.

    The food was as you would expect from Arby's: the fish sandwich (or "sandwhich" on the receipt) seemed hot enough to melt the optional cheese and the curly fries were reasonably fresh.

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    I have a love/hate relationship with Arby's. I'll go for periods where I have to eat there every week, and periods where I don't want to visit them for several months because they screwed something up so badly.

    However, want to know what the most tastiest sandwich in existence is? It's not even on the menu, but you can create it if you have as much creative juices flowing through your noggin as I do.

    Order a medium roast beef combo with jalapeno poppers as your side.  Put 3 of those poppers on the sandwich, and then pour the bronco berry sauce on your sandwich as well.

    And boom goes the dynamite.

    It's juicy, it's crispy, it's creamy, it's spicy, it's sweet. It's the tastiest sandwich in existence.  Trust me on this.

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