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    A group of college friends and I (aka old guys who have known each other a long time) played hooky on a Friday afternoon and stopped by Big Bay.    First impression was that this is a fun place to visit.   Although, not really a bar, nor a brewery, the Bartender lead us through the beer flight which we all ordered ($5).    There were several groups of people in the place doing the same thing so we had a nice chats before we headed of to our next destination.

    They sell their beer and their other stuff (shirts, hats, etc....) as well but as a drop in place for something new to do.   I give it 4 stars and I'll be back!

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    Good beer. Its that simple.

    Are you thirsty? Do you want to sit down and have a beer. Do you like beer, but don't want to over think it. Come to Big Bay. They have 5 beers on tap, thats it. Need a good beer, have the amber. Are you going kick back a few? Go with the kolsch. Its a session beer designed for warmer weather.

    There are three other beers, but you get the idea.

    Don't feel like drinking at the bar, but want a good beer?. No worries. The folks at Big Bay will put your beer in a bag and you can drink it at home. Amazing.

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    Big Bay Brewing Company was a wonderful surprise last weekend! I was looking for a brewery tour to go on and stumbled across a listing for Big Bay. I ended up calling and found out that while they didn't offer tours, they did offer tastings which ended up being absolutely perfect!

    The tasting offers four 8 oz. beers and for only $5 it's a great way to get introduced to the brand and beer without spending a fortune. I loved the wavehopper, a nice option for people who like lighter bodied beers like myself. I also found myself pleasantly surprised with their Botilla amber ale as well. The last beer we tried was their seasonal winter beer and I'll definitely be back in the summer when their other seasonal beer returns.

    BONUS: The decor is charming! It's decorated like a lakeside cabin complete with a cozy fireplace. I am already considering bringing back some groups of friends when they come to visit! Two thumbs up to the great bartenders as well!

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    After trying their beer at Buffalo Wild Wings at Bayshore Mall a few months ago, I wanted to taste more of their selection. My friend and I were the only people here on a late Saturday afternoon. We chatted with the friendly bartender and tried the sampler, which included Wavehopper Klosch, Botilla Amber Ale, Long Weekend IPA and Portside Porter.

    Wavehopper - Wheat beer with a nice, crisp finish. This would be a great brew for a summer day on the beach or boat.
    Botilla - Botilla may be my favorite...malty with high drinkability!
    Long Weekend IPA - Less hop aroma than I expected, but good balance of hops.
    Portside - Toasted grains and a smooth finish make this a great winter beer.

    Since they do contract brewing at Milwaukee Brewing Company, some of their beers are not available in 6 packs at this location all the time. And no, they don't do tours. The sampler is priced at a reasonable $5 for four (what seemed like) 6-ounce sampler glasses. If you live in, or near Shorewood, I would recommend swinging by this place!

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    We were waiting for a table at 3 Lions, and we decided to drop in here to check it out.  It is really hard to tell what Big Bay even is.  We were obviously confused when we arrived, and the server did not initially help with that.  Once we realized there was beer to buy/drink, it was game on.  Our server did turn out to be pretty nice when we got her talking.  The beers were a bit mild, but very good, and I am excited to find the new Portside.  The cheery soda was awesome!  As a boat owner, I really like the theme of the business, and I agree that almost everything is better on the water.  A lot of their beers seemed like they would be very drinkable on a long, hot day at the lake.

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    We bought a Groupon this summer that entitled us to two tastings, a pint glass, and a six pack of beer to take home. Like most Groupons we purchase, it expired. Mad props to the owners for letting us redeem the Groupon past the expiration date- I LOVE it when that happens.
    We came in on a Saturday night for our tasting, and immediately fell in love with the atmosphere. It was all decked out in a cute nautical theme, and the warm fireplace made it a very cozy destination on a cold Saturday night.
    We received four sample glasses of beer to try- and each one was better than the one before. I  have tried a few Big Bay beers at different restaurants, and have always been impressed. The sampler was a nice way to try a variety of beers before committing to a pint of something bigger.
    We had such a good time, I see us going back again.

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    Thanks to LivingSocial for introducing me to this wonderful local brewery.  It is in an unlikely location in Shorewood, but when you walk inside it feels like you've entered a beach house.  The tasting we did was very generous, and if it is available without a LivingSocial voucher, I'd recommend it for everyone.  It gave me an opportunity to try a variety of beer and soda that I otherwise would not have.  We ended up buying more beer and a t-shirt as well.  They have an entertainment space in the back that I hear is a great place for small parties.  If I remember correctly, the bartender said you can bring your own food.  Overall, this is a great place to visit as a local or to bring visitors while in town.  It showcases the best of the "new" Milwaukee beer culture, and I love it!

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    It was too long ago that I visited Big Bay Brewing Company's store in Shorewood, but I suddenly remembered that I needed to share WITH THE WORLD how well treated we were by BBBC's staff.

    Funnily enough, I made the acquaintance of one of BBBC's few brewmen at O'Lydia's in Milwaukee's Third Ward.  I wish I could remember his name now so his bosses could chance upon this review and thank him for doing them such a favor.  First of all, I had never heard of BBBC or their line of beers, so had I not bumped into "Brewman" when I did, I would probably still be in the dark right now.  

    On that Sunday afternoon, my partner-in-crime and I struck up a conversation concerning pale ales ("What's the difference between an IPA and an APA?") with "Brewman".  ... Actually, I think what really happened was that I very rudely interrupted the conversation "Brewman" was having with another couple, but whatever.  Beer is more important than social propriety, at times.  After a while, BBBC's employee gave us his card and suggested we hop over (pun intended) to Shorewood to see their store.  Of course, presenting his business card would earn us a free tasting or two, so we were obliged to mosey our way over to Shorewood.

    We very easily found their location but would have been immediately confused had "Brewman" not explained that their store truly is a "storefront": BBBC made a deal with Milwaukee Brewing Company in order to use their equipment to brew Big Bay beer, and it was for that reason we didn't see the usual hulking brew kettles in their front window.   BBBC's Shorewood location wasn't intended to offer a full-on brewery tour as most would expect -- it's actually a tasting room with a few tappers, a corner for retail, and seating for the purpose of hanging out and talking suds.  

    And then -- TRAGEDY struck.  

    "Brewman" sadly misinformed us that their location would be open long enough for us to get there and enjoy their experience.  The truth: we arrived five minutes before they were about to close.  Worry not, dear beer-loving reader, oh no.  We were not turned away but were encouraged to do what we could with the time we had.  The employee who welcomed us (a local college student whose studies we'd just halted) did so genuinely and suggested a beer for us to try.  She even stayed open a bit later so that we wouldn't have to rush through our pours of Boatilla Amber Ale.  

    The beers were TAAAAASTY, the environment was very comfortable, and BBBC's staff (on AND off the clock) were helpful, pleasant, and dedicated.  I can't wait to go back.

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    I really like Big Bay's very casual yet slightly sophisticated nautical decor. Very spacious. Just makes you relax when you walk in. The t-shirts are super cute. I wanted to buy one in each color and design. The staff is super friendly, knowledgeable and accommodating. Fun to taste beers and soda in a no-pressure fun atmosphere.

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    Big Bay is awesome!  This is a storefront location, where you can taste their 4 different beers for FREE that they offer.  Again free beer and let me add this beer rocks!  The long weekend (IPA) is my favorite and has a great hoppy taste but by no means is it overpowering!  Plus you can drink 3-4 beers and you are not full.  I love the feel of this store, their theme is top notch, and love how everything relates to being on water!

    Enjoy their tasting(Cough free beer), but fyi you might walk away w/ a couple of 6ers when you leave.  The beer is that good!!  ;-)

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    We came to Big Bay Brewing Company with a Groupon for 2 people to receive 4 samples. We were told over the phone that we didn't need to make a reservation (which we didn't). The space looks a lot like a retail store but instead of merchandise, this place has a bar (albeit makeshift) and plenty of seating. It has not achieved the ambiance of a bar or a restaurant, so it doesn't seem like the kind of place people spend a lot of time. But, it is also not a full store - there are 4 refrigerators stocked with their beers and sodas, but it is just a small section of the space. You may just have to go and see what the heck I am talking about.

    If you like new and craft beer, check this place out to buy a 6 pack. Get a sample while you're there.

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    Great Beer, Great Service, Great Atmosphere! My new fav Wisconsin Beer!

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    They gave me free beer. That's an instant 5-star rating. Also, we get it... You guys like boats.

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    Came in to see what kind of brewing company this location is. Thought it was a brewers supply store at first. There's a bar where they offer free samples of their beers, usually includes at least one test beer from the company. Other than that you can buy their beer at retail value or purchase tshirts and other accessories.

    The cool thing about this place is that there's plenty of seating. So if you purchase a mixed six pack you can sit around and drink it with your friends. They have tvs so you can watch the game. Note, they only sell their beers, no other breweries. I'm going to bring some food and beer the next time I go and see if the bartender will want to trade. he's extremely friendly. great atmosphere,

    also: its right next door to the three lions pub

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    Big Bay Brewing serves up the best of what made Milwaukee famous, and it's a welcomed addition to the local microbrewery scene. The tasting room storefront on Oakland has a friendly staff and a well-furnished boathouse feel, where you can sample their latest products.

    Me:  "How about small tasters of the Kolsch Ale and the Amber?"

    Bartender: "Just small ones?"

    He then offered a couple hefty sample pours, a good response for a microbrewery first impression.  The Kolsch has a polished, surprising amount of flavor and the Amber has a smooth and satisfying taste.  They're also serving up an IPA, which they should have out to the masses sometime soon. I highly encourage others to stop by and try for themselves.

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