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    Where oh where has good 'ole Metro 71 gone?
    Since the time when Metro 71 was the main location for locals to talk typical bar talk.
    Although Metro71 was all music and spirits, there was a vibe,
    a feel of being in a place where whom ever you ran into, chances are good a pleasant exchange would occur, followed by a purchase of a beer in friendly spirit.

    When I arrived late afternoon to watch some of the US OPEN, the bar was as empty as a I had ever seen the bar, in all of its transitions. (Metro 71, Blarney Castle, the Ole Broge, Patty Murphy's, Morrison's and now Blackwater)

    The idea of any purchase beyond bar food was not in the plan, so what is the most typical bar food to order? Wings, beer and a burger. When I was informed without asking that the burgers are "amazing" and a non-foodie friend's claim that the wings are "exceptional", I figured my picks were exactly what they needed to be, not dangerous and not particularly
    boring. "Medium rare" I called out from across the bar, to answer the question of cook preference. Even though I had clearly changed my sitting preferences with some old pals from the neighborhood, my food was served at the opposite end of the bar, mere oversight perhaps. The fact that my medium  rare was well done, not so much an oversight and the fact that the wings were poor (all Tabasco on old frozen, back of the  icebox) in flavor and meat consistency, left me clearly

    When I wen to relocate my Smithwick's, after my food had been odly placed, it oddly disappeared after a few  sips. At this point, between the totally obliterated guy next to me trying to shake my hand 600 times as I am  attempting to eat, the food, the food's location, my  cider and the overall semi depressing theme, I just can not see myself for any reason heading back for a retry.

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    This is probably the most authentic Irish bar in Forest Hills.  Good selection of beers, including Manger's cider, on tap--as well as the best selection of Irish whiskey in the neighborhood.   I haven't eaten here much but what I've had was good.  Very friendly wait staff and clientele.  I always stop here when I walk home from Trader Joe's.  Only quibble might be that the hard liquor is a little expensive.
    $8.50 for a shot of Irish whiskey is a bit high --especially since it wasn't a very big glass.

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    I love magners on tap! Great food n service.

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    Great place for a mellow football Sunday. All the games. Good staff. Good beer. Excellent wings. What more do you want?

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    everytime ive been here the food has been great and the staff very friendly

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    For an Irish Pub in Queens, this place is just a good time. The bartender, cute sweet Irish/Italian girl that will make conversation, always a plus. Plenty of regulars here which make the place fun.

    On Sundays nights they have karaoke, Friday nights there is a DJ that is super friendly and will play whatever you want (if he has it).

    Watched the Giants win the Superbowl here, bar full of intense Giants fans having a blast. The owners gave out free t-shirts and food.

    The food here too is also pretty good, wings,sandwiches etc. Check it out, you'll enjoy yourself.

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    So, almost four months later I'm back and what do I order? The same thing, Shepherd's Pie, which was just as to die for as it was the first time.  The service was just as great, too.

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    the wings are outstanding, also the BLT is incredible.  come to think of it, everything i've had here is darn good.  Extra bonus is that they also serve food late night.

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