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    Hey, what can I say it's Burger King and the biggest deal for me is the customer service, cleanliness, and the taste of my food!!

    The young lady that took my order was very nice and smiled as she read back my order to me!

    I had a rather big order and they had my order right which sometimes for a fast food place is a feet within itself!

    The place was clean and I was in and out in no time!!!

    The food was good for Burger King and I would go back to this location if I'm ever in the mood for something quick and filling!

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  • 0

    dammit, I went inside, ostensibly to avoid the 6 vehicles in the drive-thru.  Big mistake.  I seriously spent twenty minutes  total, from line to leave.  Drag.  At least they're friendly, and got my order right. And the MF food was as good as expected.  JUST TOO DAMN SLOOOWWW, though, granted, it's right across from a high school and it was like 3:00.

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