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    Watch out - this place is always trying to rip you off. Today I asked for a side of noodles and got charged for a full combo meal! They are stingy with sauce and once I asked for a cup to take the rest of my food to go, because they had tricked me into buying a huge expensive meal, and they wouldnt even let me buy a styrofoam cup from them. And the food tastes like lean cuisine, pretty good actually.

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    This is a guilty pleasure of mine.  Their lemon chicken and blackened chicken are very good and very tastey.  It's the best chinese food I've yet to have downtown.

    Now for the negatives.  Their service can at times be pushy, and generally speaking, they seem to have a general distain for their customers, or perhaps people in general, which I personally find somewhat amusing.  They're also hustlers, because if you want more than 1 item you're going to pay over $8.  Throw in a beverage and you're pushing $10...for good chinese food, yes, but overall, that's a few bucks more than I'd like to pay on my lunch break.  I somewhat enjoy ordering a free cup of water from the old man owner, just so I can see the look of disgust on his face.  I think a year or 2 ago he refused, saying they didn't have a free cup of water and making me pay for bottled water, but lately anyway, I get my free cup.  It's like the battle of cheap-asses, and I usually win.  It's the little things that make me happy.

    Anyway, the service is poor (but entertaining) and the food is overpriced, but if I need my Chinese fix I don't go anywhere else.  Their food is really good, which is the point of lunch for me: to eat something tastey.

    So in spite of the fact that I hate myself everytime I eat here (never more than once a month) and that I lose a little faith in humanity everytime I interact with the staff, they do make damn good lemon and blackened chicken, so...the latter fact usually gets the best of me...for better or worse...probably worse.

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    It is what it is... I was there and hungry and for take-out Chinese it's pretty good. I got the bourbon chicken and would again. Tasty brown rice, and the steamed veggies were good, but mostly cabbage.
    Damn better than the McD's or pizza hut!

    Take it in-context of being in Union Station... its better than the other options, in my opinion.

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