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    Pro tip: Do not order anything that requires assembly at this location during the lunch hour, as you will apparently wait for at least 15 minutes or longer. Get a bowl of soup. That only took 5 minutes.

    I get it, it's lunch time. But so ridiculously inefficient. They take your order. They yell it out to each other and then begin working on the 12 other orders before yours. So you pay. And you wait. And you wait. and someone asks what you ordered (get an automated system, McDonalds has this down, why don't you?). They yell it out again. Repeat waiting process.

    Crazy. You're located in Union Station and surely see a ton of foot traffic. You'd think you have a better system of how things work by now. Definitely avoiding this location for the future.

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    I like having soup and salad for lunch. My experiences here have always been good. I am. It overly impressed with the coffee but I really like the food and atmosphere for lunch.

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    I personally like all Corner Bakeries but they are the same.  Soup, salad, sandwiches and desserts.  I think this is always a great stop in when taking a quick break or if you are a student or hard worker and need a quick lunch.  Their soups are amazing!

    However, if you are looking for traditional home cooking then you do not go to a chain but Corner Bakery is a nice place to eat and if you find a great location, sit outside and enjoy the amazing sites of Chicago.  I prefer the one on Wacker near River North for outside sitting ;)

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