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    Watch out - this place is always trying to rip you off. Today I asked for a side of noodles and got charged for a full combo meal! They are stingy with sauce and once I asked for a cup to take the rest of my food to go, because they had tricked me into buying a huge expensive meal, and they wouldnt even let me buy a styrofoam cup from them. And the food tastes like lean cuisine, pretty good actually.

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    This is a guilty pleasure of mine.  Their lemon chicken and blackened chicken are very good and very tastey.  It's the best chinese food I've yet to have downtown.

    Now for the negatives.  Their service can at times be pushy, and generally speaking, they seem to have a general distain for their customers, or perhaps people in general, which I personally find somewhat amusing.  They're also hustlers, because if you want more than 1 item you're going to pay over $8.  Throw in a beverage and you're pushing $10...for good chinese food, yes, but overall, that's a few bucks more than I'd like to pay on my lunch break.  I somewhat enjoy ordering a free cup of water from the old man owner, just so I can see the look of disgust on his face.  I think a year or 2 ago he refused, saying they didn't have a free cup of water and making me pay for bottled water, but lately anyway, I get my free cup.  It's like the battle of cheap-asses, and I usually win.  It's the little things that make me happy.

    Anyway, the service is poor (but entertaining) and the food is overpriced, but if I need my Chinese fix I don't go anywhere else.  Their food is really good, which is the point of lunch for me: to eat something tastey.

    So in spite of the fact that I hate myself everytime I eat here (never more than once a month) and that I lose a little faith in humanity everytime I interact with the staff, they do make damn good lemon and blackened chicken, so...the latter fact usually gets the best of me...for better or worse...probably worse.

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    It is what it is... I was there and hungry and for take-out Chinese it's pretty good. I got the bourbon chicken and would again. Tasty brown rice, and the steamed veggies were good, but mostly cabbage.
    Damn better than the McD's or pizza hut!

    Take it in-context of being in Union Station... its better than the other options, in my opinion.

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    Their lemon chicken is absolutely amazing. I get it every time I pass through Union Station. Their bourbon chicken is also very good- but not as good as the lemon chicken. As for the rest- it's completely forgettable stuff. Their rice is bland, egg rolls lack any real flavor, etc. The old guy who owns the place is indeed racist at times (I have seen him condescendingly shoo away a nicely dressed african american gentleman who had reached too far over the counter to get a sauce packet. He treated the man like a child and really seemed to offend him). That said- if you just go there and get the lemon chicken- it's worth it. I haven't seen any unsanitary activity go on in the million times I've passed by, and my chicken has always seemed to be fresh and tasty. So take that for what it's worth. Others seem to have had slightly less appetizing experiences. That won't hinder me from eating there in the future.

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    I've eaten here before and the food is okay. However today I experienced something incredibly rude and racist from the old Chinese man at the counter.

    I had just finished lunch and they were offering free samples. So I took one. As I was about to walk away, the old man at the counter asks "Are you Indian or Filipino?" I thought he was going to make small talk. I told him that I am Filipino.

    At that point the conversation took a rude turn when he said "You don't buy! You go away!" I tried to explain to him the meaning of a free sample unsuccessfully. At which point the old man said "Filipino! You go away! You don't buy! You go away! Filipino!"

    Not wanting to get into it. I walked away while he kept yelling "Filipino" over and over again.

    I'm never eating here again. Oh and I'm posting my negative experience on Yelp.

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    Don't eat here. I walk by this place everyday. I've seen the staff picking their nose over the food and even watch them sneeze on it on multiple occasions without covering their face.

    Stay away!

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    This restaurant alone is one of the main reasons why I venture into Union Station!

    The old guy, I think he's the owner or manager, is a huge flirtball! He's flirted with me numerous times in the past. Back in February, I tried the crab rangoon for .75 a piece, but instead of getting one or two for the $2 I gave him, he gave me 3, yes, 3, of those delicious, tasty babies for the money! Uh-oh, when an old man gives a young lassie more of something than what it actually costs, you know something's not right. LOL.

    I LOVE it when he shouts to passersby "Yummy Yummy!" That is so darn cool, and it's a very hilarious way of drawing in customers, but it seems pretty effective.

    You probably couldn't or could guess what's been drawing me to this place as of late-BUBBLE TEA!!!!!! Last month, I ordered two, yes two, things of bubble tea, their flavors I've forgotten, but who cares? I got on the Blue Line soon afterward and while riding on the train to my stop, I took turns sucking up one cup of bubble tea before moving to the other and repeated the process several times. I couldn't help myself that day. I just had to bring my little happy self into Cajun Grill at Union Station for that bubble tea. Hehehehehe.

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    I came here, as you'd expect, because I was damn hungry and in a rush.  I got along with the owner real well.  I'm a med student, his daughter is a surgical resident.  You know, your expected medical chatter.

    However, the food was.. okay.  The vegetables could be better chopped and steamed longer, and a lot of the food was greasy.

    Caveat emptor.

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    Everything at Cajun Grill is pretty bland and mostly tasteless. That is, everything except for the Bourbon Chicken which I actually like a lot. I don't eat there very often, but once in a while on my way through Union Station I hear that call... "Yummy, yummy! Bourbon Chicken! Lemon Chicken! Free Samples! Big meal! Yummy, yummy!" Sometimes I get drawn in, but I just take a small Bourbon Chicken on it's own, no flavorless accompaniments for me.

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    STAY AWAY!!!

    This place was shut down a year ago for leaving Chicken out too long - among other things...

    If you're looking for an excuse to take a day off from work - go here. You'll need a few sick days to recover.

    BTW - they finally caught up to real times and accept credit cards now (it's plastered all over the place - can't miss it when you walk by).

    Also, the staff is ignorant and annoying. "FREE SAMPLE!!!" "Try our chicken!!"... yeah, no.

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    Like everyone has said, this place seems more like a take out Chinese place than Cajun.  On a Saturday afternoon, they only had two dishes to choose from.  Luckily I wasn't there for the food.  I was lured over by the boba or as everyone calls it here, bubble tea.  I haven't had boba in a while and the two old people working there were Asian, so I thought, why not?  I had a taro bubble tea and it was wayyyy sweet.  The tapioca had been (over)cooked in sugar or something because it was much sweeter than what I'm used to.  The rest of it was clearly just taro flavored powder and ice blended together.  I didn't have high expectations anyway but I'd recommend that you steer clear of here.

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    My boyfriend and I stop there all the time when we're traveling. He orders the bourbon chicken which is good and I always get a side of lo mein, which is really yummy. I've never gotten sick from the food that I've eaten, and I have IBS so my system is not as good as say my boyfriend, who has also never had problems with their food. The reviews where people got sick make me wary, but it's never happened to me and I'll keep eating their food until for some reason it does (but I hope it never happens).

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    I don't know what all the fuss is about if this cajun or chinese food.  Almost all cajun themed restaurant in food courts around the nation with Bourbon chicken on the menu is the same way.
    Bourbon chicken and orange chicken, rice or vegetables?  I personally like bourbon chicken, but this place was pretty nasty.  They gave me sample of the orange chicken and I could taste the under cooked batter so I stuck with the bourbon but that wasn't much better either.  I had to drown it with the watered down hot sauce just to make it taste better.
    7 bucks for bad chinese food.  I shoulda went to Hon Kee or something.

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    I read the other reviews and I hear you all!  What is it?  Korean-Cajun Fusion?  Not really, no.  Yes, it has made me sick on several occasions.  I even know about the city shutting them down a while back because they stored veggies in boxes that use to carry raw chicken.  And still, I go back!  WHY!  My wife has nearly lost any degree of sympathy for me.  "Why do you go back?!?" she says.  "You know THIS will happen."  Please note:  I am NOT going to say what "THIS" is, for all of our sakes.
    But the Blackened chicken, with garlic potatoes and steamed broccoli and cabbage calls my name while I'm sitting at my desk a mere block away.  Why do I listen to it?  What is inside of me that makes me do THIS to myself at least once a month (and why does it want to get out of me so badly?  Sorry about that.)?
    No, it doesn't always make me sick, but how many times do I really need to go through THIS just for some scorched fowl, a scoop of veggies steamed to within an inch of its life and a bit of tuber that will leave my breath . . . questionable?
    It may just be that the "YUMMIE YUMMIE" guy can just make my day sometimes.  And it cracks me up when the ladies that work there try to carry on the call when he is away.  The call reminds me of a old hippie that sold me the BEST whole grain pancakes the mornings after a Dead show out west.  There was something comforting about waking up in a tent that was set up on the dirt parking lot of a speedway to the call "YUMMIE YUMMIE!  BUCKWHEAT PANCAKES!"
    And in all fairness, my wife is a VERY wonderful woman who is always kind and loving to me.  Still, she can't figure THIS one out.  Can't blame her.  
    Must.  Get.  Help!

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    I'm very confused as to why they advertise as a Cajun joint when clearly it's a Chinese place. Going past that place numerous times, it wasn't until yesterday that I noticed a sign showing about 10 different flavors of bubble tea (honeydew, lychee, almond, taro, milk tea, etc). Intrigued, and for under $3 for a large cup, I decided to try one.

    The older guy at the counter was extremely nice and funny. I had the honeydew and it was delicious! The drink was more of a slushie rather than a tea (Snow Bubble?). It was very refreshing as though they tossed in fresh honeydew. It also was crammed with large black tapioca balls. I definitely see myself getting this regularly, so although I don't know how good/bad the food is, I highly recommend the bubble tea!

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    First of all - this is a bad Chinese place in disguise. Now, I'm not giving it one star just because it's a bad Chinese place. Bad Chinese places have their place in this world, and my argument is not with them. Cajun Grill is something entirely different.

    Sometimes I go to Union Station for lunch at work. I unwittingly approached the order line one Monday (they had a free sample) and ended up paying over eight dollars for a lunch (and I didn't have a drink). I ate half of it and felt sick. That's the last time I let half-asleep Andy make lunch decisions.

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    You might hear a voice while walking through Union Station.  You may hear someone shouting "Yummy, Yummy, here eat now.  You!" And wonder where it's coming from.  It's coming from the two proprietors of Kelly's Cajun Grill.  Right next to the Corner Bakery, these two will shout out to the crowd in order to attract business.  It's actually rather adorable, and the guy who owns it is very nice.  I got something from here because it was the only thing open on Christmas day in Union Station.  It was somewhat Cajun, somewhat Chinese.  I had bourbon chicken, and egg roll, and won ton soup.  I was surprised when I got to the register, because they don't take credit cards.  The food was nothing to write home about, (rather bland, not at all spicy) but you have to give it to these guys for giving it their best!

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    I don't know how this is classified as Cajun food.  It's more like Chinese food, sometimes with Cajun names.  And it is pretty bland.  I've eaten here twice, and the second time I got sick.  I couldn't even finish it and two hours later I puked for the rest of the night.

    You are better off going to Sixty Five Chinese Food, also inside the station if you continue south down the same hallway and go right.  Of course, there are other locations for Sixty Five, the only other one I have been to is on michigan and Wacker, and this one inside Union Station isn't as good, but it beats the hell out of Cajun Grill any time. In fact, out of all the places in the station and on the way, Cajun Grill is the one place I'd go out of my way to avoid.

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