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    Unlike some of the other reviewers, our family loves the Cheescake here.

    Our main complaints are:

    1) Its overpriced for being a hole in the wall place in Craig Ranch
    2) Its overpriced for the quality of its food
    3) Its overpriced for the quality and slim staff supporting your time there

    Its obviously family owned, but we've noticed a skeleton staff on multiple occasions and have endured some long wait times for food. Not going back until they lower some of the prices.

    I can go to much better places for a $14-16 chicken plate and get 5 star service and food quality.

    Oh- and less salt please. I feel like I have to eat 20 bananas upon returning from this place to counteract the truck loads of salt/sodium infused in the food/pizza here.

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    We returned to Cheesecake Amor again last week with our family.  Different waiter, but same experience.  We went on a Wednesday night this time which was 1/2 price wine bottle night.  
    Since we had a larger group, I ordered the same thing we had last time, the chicken fried steak and the five cheese penne with shrimp.  I had the luxury of sampling what the rest of our family ordered which while I can't remember exactly what it was, it was all good.  I do, however, remember the cheesecake.  I noticed that some of the previous reviews questioned the "homemade", I am here to tell you, the Jalapeno Cheesecake is most definitely homemade.  The lady that makes the homemade cream gravy (obviously from a rue) makes everything fresh.  We are already planning our return.  
    I noticed that while they were packed again, there are still not many other reviews.  I hope people start to submit reviews so there are other perspectives on this neat place.

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    This place is embarrassing. First of all, their menu is extremely limited... with a whole page unavailable on Monday and only cheesecakes available on certain days! The food was very bad.. it tasted pre-packaged, nuked up, and served as if a chef had made them. The chicken parmigiana was disgusting. Overcooked, actually burnt dark brown and extremely salty, and the sauce was too salty and again, tasted pre-packaged. The pizza was not stomachable. I have truly made better homemade pizza. The crust is identical to a Tony's pizza you can get at Wal-Mart. Extremely hard, not crispy, and with no taste. We asked for two different types of cheesecake and the waitress said it wasn't available on that day. So what is available off of that measly menu?! If I was offered a free meal here I honestly would decline. The place is cute and looked so promising. Sadly, we were greatly disappointed.

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    Would not return.  Had a horrible conversation with manager about my groupon. I use groupons all the time, and they did not know how to effectively take the groupon. Food tastes pre-packaged.

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    Terrible service!!!!!  This place deffenetly not kids friendly. no changing table in a restroom.'. Was almost kicked out of restaurant for changing babys diper. Waiter never smiled. We had a feeling that they cant wait when we leave. Will never go back there.

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    Went on a Groupon and I guess that the waiter assumed we had no money.  The biggest mistake they make is trying to be a higher end location with cheap plates and tableware.  Two people complained about dirty stemware while we were there.  The food was fine. The portion they served for the crab cakes was embarrassingly small.  2 crab cakes each as small as a silver dollar.  Not exaggerating.   They left money on the table.  Wife and I ordered a glass of wine. When we finished it (both before desert) they took our glasses and never asked if we would like another??  They did not offer each of us a desert option, assuming we wanted to split one just because that is what was covered under Groupon.  It might have been worth the Groupon price, but I would  never go back and pay menu price.

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    If you're going to name your restaurant after a specific food, I would think that it would be the main focus of the place. This however, was not the case. The ambiance of the restaurant was confusing. It claimed to be italian food, but the decor did not match that and the music certainly did not either. I thought we were in a night club with the music being played. They also had a TV in the corner that was turned on the discovery channel with a program on about investigation of murders. Not something I really want to watch while trying to enjoy a meal. So between the club music, murder mystery TV show and confusing decor, I was not impressed already.                                                            
    I have read other reviews about bad service and fortunately we had good waiter.

    We did enjoy the wine, although they didn't make the wine there obviously, but nevertheless, it was good.

    We had the crab cake appetizer which was decent. Then our meal came. I had salmon which had some sort of unidentified brown salty sauce on it. The fish didn't taste fresh, it tasted frozen, and the sauce tasted like something you'd boil in a bag then pour it over meat. My husband had alfredo which didn't have much taste at all. Bland alfredo is not appetizing. I heard another waiter tell a table of people about a dish and she described the sauce as a "red sauce." No more detail than that. What kind of red sauce? Marinara? Ketchup? Tomato soup?

    We did have cheesecake for dessert which was good, but not stellar. We were told that it was made fresh, but we were also told that there was paper between each slice, which is usually an indication of factory made desserts. There's no way for us to really know because they didn't even display any of the cheesecakes even though their place is named after the dessert.

    So would we go again, no.

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    CHEESECAKE Amor only had three cheesecake flavors available on a Saturday night. So much for the name!

    The beginning of the night was a mess before we even got to the restaurant. The directions listed on their website was incorrect resulting in us driving around for 15 minutes looking for this place. BEWARE!

    The place is small and had few tables. When we got there, we were told that there will be a 45 minutes wait so we decided to wait on the couch by the fire place until a table  became available. We were then approached by an unfriendly waiter who was pushy to take our order. We were confused since there was only a coffee table to eat on. He wanted us to hunch over and eat on the coffee table. We went head and ordered so we can eat and get the hell out of there. I do not think our waiter smiled once throughout our entire time there. I felt like we were being an inconvenience to him by being there. There is not much to say about the food. I think other reviewers mentioned that it was heated up frozen food and they are right. The food was salty and unimpressive and overpriced.

    This place lacked an identity. I do not know what theme they were shooting for. It was described as a Italian restaurant but it has wings, chicken fried steak, mash potatoes, etc. Also, the live musicians were playing classic rock. It was all over the place.

    This place seemed new. If  this place does not get their customer service together, they will not make it. I think the only good thing I can say is that the decor was nice.

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    Went there yesterday with family to use the Groupon they recently offered.

    We entered and waited for 2-3 minutes for somebody to greet and seat us, but then we thought may be it is a sit-wherever-you-want kind of place so picked a table and sat ourselves down.

    Somebody finally came after a few minutes for our order. We ordered everything at once, the appetizer as well as the entrees.

    The first appetizer, roasted shrimps showed up in 10 minutes but for the other appetizer, Parmesan crisps, I had to remind him when it had been another 10 minutes and then he brought those out. They were delicious though, no doubt.

    Main courses took another 15 minutes (so around 35-40 minutes from the time of ordering). I had the five cheese penne with shrimp. It seemed slightly over baked (so did the brownie we got in dessert) but the taste was good.

    The service was noticeably slow though. With 1000 Groupons sold, you would anticipate over-staffing but it was actually one guy who was serving the tables as well as tending the bar. Another girl was there but didn't see her taking any orders or serving any food, not sure what her role was.

    I did like the food and may return for the appetizers one day, but they definitely have room to improve.

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    I really wanted to like this place, but as much as I tried overlooking some of the service shortcomings, it got to be too much.  
    Food was not what I expected. If you are going to call your place after a specific dish or dessert (Cheesecake) I would expect it to be pretty darn good.  It was only OK, not bad, but not worth naming anything after it.
    The menu and the food that we got seemed to be inspired by a food service catalog.  Wings, Pizza, Chicken tenders, and anything else this food service supplier sells frozen in a bag...
    The pizza crust was without a doubt pulled from a bag where it had been sitting in the freezer for a month.  Not good.  
    They seemed to have a long wine list, but cannot tell you if it was quality.
    I wish it was better, even slightly, as it is just a few miles from my house.

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    So far all I've had was the wine and fried chicken so this is more a review on the place itself. Those two things were fantastic though! Shocked on the fried ckn...so easy to do poorly. This had a great breading that stayed adhered while being devoured.

    Great selection of wines, not a huge selection but they seem to stock quality over quantity.

    The menu was to the point. Chicken Fried things, pastas and lighter fares. Nothing drives me crazier than some 482 page menu where there may only be 5 to 6 items worth listing. I'm talking to you Cheesecake Factory! A menu should not require a ToC or an index to be able to get through in less than 30 minutes.

    I'm not a cheesecake fan, which is odd since I love cheese and cake. My wife however is and said the one she tried was delicious. The words used reminded me of Rachel Ray so I'm sticking with "delicious". They all seemed to be derived from the creative whim of the owner who obviously is enjoying what she's doing. Who wouldn't...what a dream job.

    All in all: 4 stars (subject to change after I try more of the menu)

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