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    Went to support a friend who was competing in the K-Fest singing competition.  The festival itself was not bad as far as fests go.  Plenty of food and drink to go around, and entertainment in the form of singing & dancing.  A lot of the restaurants that line the fest also serve from special "festival menus" so you even more options than just the food outside in the actual festival!  A notice though, I found some of the service to be a little bit lacking.  Although they may have been a little overwhelmed with the business from the festival.  Definitely would suggest going into Outdoor Cafe which had Potbingsoo to go!

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    I went to K-fest maybe a few years ago and didn't think it was great; however, an opportunity presented itself for me to go again this year because my friend entered the singing contest....I still did not think the Korean Festival was great at all and just went to support a friend....definitely wouldn't go for food for sure...

    The fair consisted of advertising, fried food, alcoholic beverages, overpriced food (as any food fair you go to)...

    Foods I've tried:
    -ddukboKi (spicy rice cakes): it tasted burnt, I'm assuming the bottom of the pan was burnt so it gave the ddukboki a burnt taste..
    -mixed fried combo: consisted of fried octopus, fried veggies, and friend shrimp (i think)..nothing soo great about it.. I think you can go to any Korean restaurant or make that at home..
    bulggogi hotdog: my friend had this and was disappointed..because it did not have any bulgogi in it.. rather, it's just a regular hotdog with lettuce on top and bulggogi sauce (probably soy sauce and seasoning??).. are you serious?! why is it called bulggogi hotdog when there's no bulggogi in it? doesn't make any sense to me...

    on day 2 of the fair...yes I went 2 days in a row, not because I enjoyed my first time but just to support my friend...my friends and I went to a Korean restaurant instead of buying the street food and yet again I was disappointed at the food & service..my friend and I ordered nangmyun (cold noodles) and it simply tasted like water and noodles.. I think anyone (excluding the restaurant cooks obviously) can make better nangmyun at home and not pay $10 for a bowl of flavorless nangmyun..

    entertainment: ehh.. not that great... only exciting if you have a friend singing up there...

    would I go again?..probably not unless my friend enters the singing competition again...i'll go to support.. but definitely not to eat food... might as well yelp Korean restaurants and eat before I go to K-Fest if I went again... yes it's that bad...or maybe just not worth the money for the food...

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    I went with a friend, didn't get to catch any of the actions. Pretty much ended at 9p so everything was closing. Don't think I'll be back next year though.

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