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    The name of the place is only in Korean, in smaller letters it does say, "Korean bbq" or something like that.  Excellent, authentic Korean Kalbi.  Service is the usual, Korean indifferent style, but that's not what you go there for.  You need to order the marinated Bulgoki or Kalbi, (all kinds of gogi gui, or Korean barbecue, delicious heavily marinated meats, offal, or seafood, you grill at your table) for two, so this is great date food.  Maybe if you have a traditional Korean girlfriend she will do all the grilling, then serve it to you by hand by putting the grilled meat on a little rice, with some raw garlic, a little spicy paste and scallions, into a green leaf and feeding it to you.  Otherwise, you and your date can each feed yourselves, it's fun, delicious, and goes best with a little Soju to start (be careful, high octane Korean style grain alcohol, inaccurately translated as "rice wine.")  and then OB beer with the meal.  There are some Korean bbq places just as good on Lawrence, but the parking is easier here.

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