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    I usually do lunch here because work is right across the street. I usually get carry out because I want to get stuff done during my lunch break. Once I decided to eat in. The food is always great here. Good quality and never tastes different. As for the service, it wasn't that great during lunch time. the waitress may not have been so attention since I was by myself (low amount for tip?). i'm not sure but I was not satisfied. I'll probably be doing carry out more often.

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    This is isn't a particularly bad location of Chili's: The food is good, and the atmosphere is warming. The service is just not quite there. For the most part, the service is pretty good, but it's more hit-and-miss than consistent. It seems as though every other time we visit is when we have a pleasant serving experience. Not to say that the servers are rude or anything like that, far from it. It just feels like they don't care about you. We recently went on a night when the restaurant was actually pretty empty, but it took our server forever just to bring out a side of barbecue sauce, even though she passed us about 5 times. Like I said, the place wasn't full so we couldn't blame it on her being busy, and after all was said and done, we wound up asking another server who happened to be passing by and he brought it out in five seconds.

    To add insult to injury, there was a couple behind us whose server pretty much pampered them, promptly getting any and everything they requested without hesitation. Now, there were times where we've come in and had the same treatment, but the ratio is much lower to getting spotty service.

    As I stated before, this isn't a bad Chili's, we simply have a love-hate relationship with the service.

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