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    This restaurant used to be called "The Village Inn"
    They did some slight remodeling and changed the menu.  Prices I feel are far too steep for what you get.  I went for lunch, it was slow but even slower service as there was only one waitress.  While she was nice and kind, she had just too much to do.  I got my own menus and booster seats for my girls.
    I ordered the kids meals:  $5.25 without a drink is a bit steep in my opinion, especially for a grilled cheese and chicken strips with fries.  I had the french dip, which was decent, that is the best I can offer.  The bonus was their cheddar broccoli soup.  With ice tea, my $11 sandwich, and the girls lunch came to $26.  Wish I had just gone to Subway or Quiznos; as it took so long and was expensive and not that great.
    Maybe things will get better ??

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