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    Now called Moka. The layout is odd. The bartenders are snobby. Not my cup of tea for a good night out. There are far more better places in the surrounding area to go to.

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    This place is no longer called de river but it's called moka. Generally the place is nice. But the hound dogs they have by the  door is total Jass. Lol. So I will give 5 stars for the ambiance but -5 for security.

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    Review numero 50. And with these most recent reviews on night venues, I seem to be drawn to what I am aptly calling "SpicSpots"

    I never knew there were so many Dominicans in Queens, but you learn something new every day I suppose.

    Girls clad in Rainbow dresses and men with that look in their eye of "Who's ass am I going to grab?" They played Spanish (merengue mostly, some bachata and salsa too) music all night long, so if you're looking for that Top 40/Spanish/Old School flavor mix, you're not gonna get it here.

    Not a bad place. Large dance floor, relatively good ventilation-which is hard to find in a lot of places, clean bathrooms (a rarity!), and a lounge/lobby area by coat check where you can rest your feet or get some air every so often.

    There was a live band that played, they were pretty good. And at 7 small bucks for an amaretto sour, I'd say Queens may just rub off on me.

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