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    very nice place to play pool, awesome table

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    - closes late
    - a lot of pool tables
    - serves beer
    - $12/hr, not bad

    - interior design is questionable
    - buzzers do not work or the staff doesnt care

    seems to be the only fun thing to do when you're in this part of Flushing late night. I had a fun time with my friends here.

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    my first time here was a nice experience with a big group of people bc i only for 20 mins before leaving. the second time I came here...  it was just another girl and me. We did not want to lose track of time, so i set a timer on my phone for 55 minutes, and my friend also asked the girl at the desk if she could let us know when our time was up in case we went over our 1 hour. She said she would remind us. So we played until my phone rang leaving us 5 minutes to finish up our game asap & pack up everything.

    we bring the balls back and the girl says we went over our one hour by ONE MINUTE so we had to pay an extra $2.00!!! We told her it was just 1 minute and we reminded her that we had asked her to let us know when our time was up and she gave us some bullshit excuse saying she was busy. #1 there weren't much customers, #2 when we got there she was just chatting wth her coworker, #3 no one in the pool hall really ordered drinks. My high school work experience of 5 years with bubble tea told me i was smelling a load of crap.

    THIS 1 MINUTE CHARGE IS BS! i heard another guy who worked there say in Chinese to his coworker that its just a few dollars. It's not that we can't afford a few extra dollars, it is the bullshit i smelled and no apology from the worker bc she had actually forgotten to remind us.

    I've been to all the old school pool halls in flushing... carom, 4x4, mammoth, empire..... THIS NEVER HAPPENED EVER! DIY has lost my future business. Whenever any friend wants to go shoot pool, i will make sure we go out of the way to Carom.

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    Alright so I don't know if this can be an honest review or not since I didn't really stay all that long.  I came looking for DIYuan but I came to DIY Billards & Lounge which is actually owned by the same people.  So the lounge has the euro trash feel or would  this be asian trash feel?  In back it's not as nicely decorated but they have plenty of pool tables.  Lots of older asian guys were playing and of course the younger folks.  Looks like a chill place to shoot some pool, I'd go back if I were in the mood.

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