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    Hay caramba! We finally tried the pizza from this place!.............wait!?!?! A pizza place that also sells Tacos and burritos!?!?!?!?!! OH OH.....
    ( you must remember us Mexicans make the best cooks)......OK with that being said I can go on...
    anyway we order a xtra large cheese mushroom and sausage! Thin crust and it was AWESOME!!!!! Nice crispy extra thin crust!!!!!!
    This crust lovers will like this! good sauce. definitely a place to grab a pie if you are out here on the NW side. There is seating inside and of course univision is on the television!
    AND if you stop by tell  the awesome pair of brother and sister that run the joint that Pedro Infante sent ya!!!!

    Shake & Bake seal of approval!

    Hipster infestation level: ZERO! Those bike riding skeletors wont wander in this hood(at least for now)..too much culture and ethnic zest for them to handle!

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    Durangos is a Mexican food restaurant on Laramie that is walking distance from my place. I don't know why it took us so long to discover it- I guess it is pretty inconspicuous from the street. The food is pretty decent, not that I have tried many items on the menu because I nearly always order, "The Diablo", a mexican pizza that is so hot it will make your eyes steam...I love it!...Very addictive.

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