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    I had a blast at EDC 2013, but like others have said, it would be hard not to. I highly recommend going. Some pros and cons:

    -music was SICK, as were lights/carnival type props during shows
    -good crowd energy and a lot of dancing
    -generally nice people, a couple that just didn't know how to act but overall great
    -beautiful weather
    -lines to get in were nonexistent and security was very lax
    -i did not notice any of the sound bleeding from stage to stage that others are complaining about. maybe because i was always pretty close to stage

    -could have used another water refilling station...they were always mobbed. also you didn't need the $10 Insomnia "unlimited refills" water bottle to get water...cmon...
    -bathroom lines were longgg ~10-15 mins
    -expensive food and alcohol, what do you expect though
    -i think that the festival was deceiving price wise...same price or more expensive than last year, but undeniably a smaller name lineup. I don't regret going at all, but I was disappointed that they charged so much (~$255?) for artists that simply did not cost that much.

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    Went both days this year.

    Stages were way too close to each other, it was hard to maneuver around everyone especially since the rides were in the middle (ferris wheel) and in the way. Also, none of the stages had names so it was difficult at first to figure out exactly what stage you were at (especially if you didn't get a map). However, they had free water refill stations all over the place (for people who had the $10 Insomniac water bottles and for people without them) which was really great and the bathroom situation actually wasn't terrible.

    Thought lineup was pretty decent considering EZoo and EDC cannot have the same talent. This year there weren't too many big players but definitely nice to hear some new DJs and let the smaller ones get some face time earlier in the day.

    Obviously the fashion was all over the place, people had no shame but you see that at any of these shows. Really happy it was an 18+ event but there definitely were some young looking kids that made you question.

    All in all, it was a great show and really fun. Can't wait til next year.

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    You can never NOT have fun at an event like EDC. I've been to 2012 and now 2013 and there were some big differences -- mostly downgrades from the previous year:

    - Location wise, more convenient from Manhattan and other boroughs!
    - Good lineup! Calvin Harris, Thomas Gold, DJ Fresh were my faves on Saturday; they did not disappoint
    - Lines to drinks and to get in were very minimal

    - Holy moly how did all of these 15 year olds get in?! Yikes, no thanks!
    - Lots of ugly people and weirdos, but that's what kind of makes it fun?
    - Stages were WAY WAY WAY too close to eachother -- I couldn't hear Porter Robinson because I was stuck in the back and could only hear the super low bass from the stage nextdoor -- total buzz kill and left for the night after 15 minutes into the set
    - There was no way for there to be proper overflow for the audiences for the big stages and still allowed people to hear the DJ -- I couldn't even get a chance to listen to Carl Cox because there was no way to get close enough to hear
    - $9 for a beer -- say what?!?!
    - Bathroom set up was a complete disaster

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    First night was eh. Bad club music.

    Second night completely surpassed and luckily the weather was cool enough to make the crowds bearable.

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    The lines were very efficient, much better than EDC Orlando.

    The line up however wasn't as great as EDC Orlando, Chicago or Las Vegas. I only went because all my friends went.

    I feel like these major festivals are becoming similar to each other (Electric Zoo).
    The stages were placed too close to each other and made it a hassle to navigate between the two. Also the music started to compete with each other and made it difficult to appreciate the songs.

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    From the melodic sounds of Gareth Emery and ATB, to the pure energy of Afrojack and Steve Angello, to the silky smooth vibes of Carl Cox and Loco Dice, everybody brought something to the table to make this year's first festival at Citifield a good time.  After a mesmerizing experience spanning five stages, two days, and over 100 world class DJs, I finally have some time to catch my breath and recap the experience!

    MUSIC - 4.5/5 - Lineups on both days were solid, but Saturday was the clear winner in my book.  Dash Berlin, Cosmic Gate, Afrojack and Carl Cox w/ Loco Dice all KILLED IT!!  Sound systems on all stages were perfect - you could feel the bass from just about anywhere nearby.  The downside, however, was that you could frequently hear the bass from other stages from where you were standing - especially between the two main stages that were slightly angled towards each other.  This could also be attributed to the small-ish layout (see below).  Accompanying lighting was spot on, and really kicked to another level when it started getting dark outside.

    LAYOUT - 2/5 - I found the space to be a bit cramped with a lot of haphazardly tossed vendors and space-hogging carnival rides right smack in the middle.  Yes, all the stages were sort of "huddled around" in a quarter-circle, but there was A LOT of overlapping sounds/bleed from one stage to the other, especially if you were hanging towards the back.

    Also - and primarily because of the way the VIP decks were set up - there was really only one way in/out of the two main stages making it hard to move around and catch different performances throughout the day.  This is where Electric Zoo wins hands-down - vendors are off to the side, and there is A LOT more open space on Randall's Island, but that comes at the expense of extra walking between stages.  I'd gladly do the extra walking, but that's just me...

    Lastly, bathroom cluster placement around the venue was less than optimal, and the "hallways" to go in were way too deep.  Fortunately, if you walked past the masses of people out front, it was easy to slip right in to a stall if needed.

    STAFF, LOGISTICS, & OTHER THOUGHTS - 3/5 - From the volunteers filling up camelbaks to the food merchants, even to the customer service folks over at Flavorus, everyone working before and during the event was super-friendly.

    I found this year's EDC NY to have a bit of a disorganized feel leading up to the event.  Even though single day tickets were on sale for the last three weeks, specific set times for each day were only released a few days ahead.  Also,  they advertised two-day tickets at $215 then charged another $35 worth of "fees" on top of that.  If everyone has to pay the same exact fees, the tickets are $250 - simple as that.  Note that this isn't a shipping fee or anything (where international guests would be paying different/more) ...this is a flat fee that's assessed to ALL tickets.

    We had a good time primarily because our group was solid - even though we bumped into plenty of familiar faces throughout the day, our crew fell within the 4-6 person "sweet spot."  Any more in your group, and everyone will be constantly wanting to run in different directions to catch different DJs, take food/restroom breaks, etc.  Any less and you may have a hard time circling up and claiming space, ending up dancing & grooving side-by side....

    And last but not least, Citifield itself.  The entire festival and all stages were set up in the parking lot, and while it was well-decorated, it's still a parking lot!  No grassy fields, nowhere to sit (except if you count the curbs), and even the areas outside the entry gates were barricaded off to prevent anyone from hanging around.

    All in all, would I go back?  Yes.  Maybe I'm being generous, but I'd say the entire experience was a 3.5 for me.  I'm rounding up because it's their first year at Citifield, and I'm hoping they'll improve in future years, so they become the well-oiled machine that is Electric Zoo.

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