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    one word: Darren!!

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    Good times
    Good friends
    Good bar food and menu
    LOVE glens lol

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    I'm a regular and this is my go-to spot so it's difficult for me to be unbiased.  This is an Irish Pub with a pool table, dartboard and jukebox.  

    Drinks: Price is fair.  Beers on Tap include Domestic, Domestic Light, Guinness, Stella, Blue Moon.  Breedge pours the best Guinness in town.  Nile will have you in stitches and is always approachable.  Darren is the prototypical Pub Bartender; exactly what you want from a spot like this.

    Food: Behind the bar and under an exhaust vent, you'll find Joe grilling and frying bar food.  As far as i'm concerned, for Bar Food and for having limited tools to work with, Joe does a hell of a job.  The menu is four pages long and full of variations on Burgers, Chicken Sandwiches and Fries.  The fries are hand cut and he makes several different dipping sauces that are all tasty and well balanced.  The pub fav. is the Irish Curry Fries, which you can smell from across the street when someone orders them.  Bottom line: We get to Glen's (as it's referred to by frequent repeat visitors) we put in a good 6 hour shift easily.  We're super grateful for Joe being there so that we can nosh on wings at 2AM.

    Ah.  Wings.

    Kowalski Wing Challenge: You Will Not Win.
    No dipping sauce, No Beer, No Milk
    Lots of Napkins.

    If you complete this challenge, you will get a pair of Mets or Yankees tix, a t-shirt and your picture on the wall.  The sauce used in this mix is 1,125,000 Scoville Units and is a cocktail of several Hot Sauces with Blair's After Death Sauce.

    As of today, i'm the only one that is stupid enough to have won this challenge.  Many have tried and failed.  The current target is 14:13.

    <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FHPQocsHg9RY&s=dddcc7b538b4c7e360e66a91f9b3c9fd984eac378445354fc370085894d87ddc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://youtu.be/HPQocsHg…</a> is Video Proof, but it's not terribly exciting.  You can see I went into it like a champ and them immediately realized it wasnt going to be so easy.  Towards the middle the boys were wiping sweat off my brow.  Towards the end I was going at about a wing per minute.

    Decor: Flat Panel TV's on the top of the walls playing various sports of the day.  The big game will always be on in addition to a Rugby match or Soccer from oversears behind the bar.

    You don't come here for the decor.  You come here to have good times with good friends and that's all I want from a neighborhood pub.

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