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    5 stars awarded to GUYS PIZZA with longstanding affection but alas, posthumously

    first an important point to set all stuffed pizza records straight:  they were the first!  No NOT Giordano's, NOT Nancy's, despite what their revisionist pizza history websites may claim.  I enjoyed 'stuffed' for the very first time in 1970 from GUYS, my friend Lou and his mom had been customers and introduced me then.  Was i floored--so aromatic, so deliciously cheesy with plenty of imbedded sausage chunks, and not shy with the garlic.  A vast bubbling tomatosauce panorama in a tall flaky crust.

    GUYS street address then was 4350 W. Armitage Ave, a couple doors east of Kostner.  By the 1980's they'd relocated to the busy North/Pulaski intersection and in doing so the customer floodgates really opened.  Second GUYS address:  3948 W. North Ave.  Most who know GUYS PIZZA at all know it here, next door to Ferndell's Restaurant.  Too much business here perhaps, as 2 of their delivery drivers were shot to death making the rounds in the late '80s early '90s.

    But the corner bank there couldn't live without a drive-through window in the new millenium so GUYS & neighbors were shoved out of their best spot, west down North Ave a couple blocks.  Now very inconspicuous, and unfortunately try as they might these proved to be their final years, but i still loved getting their stuffed pizza.  In fine Chicago Pizzeria tradition they hung onto the same restaurant phone number nomatter what exact address.  I tried the named competition but had justified allegiance to the original--GUYS.

    Business CLOSED as of about 4 months ago now

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    Guy's Pizza is the exact reason why I can't/don't/refuse to order from a place that I only know from the circular that was rubber banded to my doorknob. I guess my expectations for pizza are kinda high. It's important to me and I do NOT believe in the metaphor from Threesome (1994) "When it's bad, it's still pretty good." Having said all that, Guy's Pizza was terrible.

    This is what an acceptable pizza is: flaky, buttery crust, pizza sauce that's more than watered down tomato paste, and real italian sausage. Guy's did not meet these standards. Their dough was so pasty, tasteless, and pale, my boyfriend threw together a butter/garlic sauce to brush over it. The sauce was bland, amounting to no more than a can of acidic Hunt's.

    At least Guy's got the sausage right. I don't think it was real Italian sausage (no fennel), but acceptable nonetheless. I added pepperoni and basil to our sausage pizza and it didn't make a darned bit of difference. It, by no means, have any taste of its own.

    I suggest you take your $18.67 and order from John's. (They only take cash on delivery, though.)

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    I have been ordering from Guys since I could talk. They've been around for a while and even though I feel like they should enroll me in some sort of loyolty rewards program they are still very good. I do agree that they should have some sort of updated system in which the customer's profile comes up with a phone call, but they customer service has been exceptional in the past. They are always very cheerful, nice and attentive on the phone, plus I have never in my 15+ years of using their delivery service, had to meet the delivery person outside of my door.

    I have not eaten a large variety of their menu, I usually just stick to their pizzas, which are exceptional. Their thin crust is to die for, the sauce is very  rich and yummy with just a hint of sweetness. They certainly don't miss a beat on cheese which always prevails on every slice!

    They would get one more star if the place didn't look so generic and poorly put together. Their old location was very nice, clean and inviting, this new place not so much, hence the star removal. But then again that's why I stick to purely delivery or a slice to go when I'm in the area.

    It's not a great place to sit down and dine but definitely consider ordering in one night!

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