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    What can I say about this pizza disaster place that others have not said!  It's so disappointing to write this review because every since I was a little girl I use to come to this location.

    I would now rather go to Papa John(no offense just not authentic pizza) instead of going here and that's saying something...

    We placed an order and we were told that it would be about an hour before we received our order now that is typical and we weren't shocked by that wait time but what did shock us is that 2 hours later they still had not showed up and they had a nasty stank attitude about our food not being delivered to us in a timely manner.

    My daughter absolutely loves this place so even after that incident she asked me to give them another chance, which we did!  Well, not only were they slow we didn't get our complete order and I was asked did I just want to get it the next time I ordered something...Were they kidding I don't care if gold was dripping from the cheese I would not order anything especially delivery from them ever again.

    For the price you pay for their pizza they should be able to hire a staff that you can hear smiling over the phone but instead you get one that acts like you are bothering them for calling and ordering...so they don't have to worry I won't be ordering anything else.

    On top of that they don't take a credit, or debit card...really in this day in age when mostly everyone is carrying around plastic.  I just don't get it!!!

    Sadly, there poor customer service negates all of the good food that they do have!  Why would I spend my money at a place that acts like they are doing me a favor for taking my money...Um No, I don't think so!!!

    So, for me this is an end of an era...

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    I will never, never, ever, ever, ever order another crumb of food from this place ever again.

    Italian Fiesta....You have messed up my order for the last and final time. Strike 1... You guys STILL don't take credit cards???!!! Strike 2...I request pick up at the 71st street store. You fools send my pizza to the 80th street location. Strike 3...When you finally realize YOUR mistake, you offer no type of restitution. What???!!! Where they do that at??

    You know what? After years of this type of abuse, poor customer service and hit or miss food..I'm throwing in the towel. I'm calling Beggar's with my huge order to feed the crowd watching the game downstairs. Deuces!!!

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    I grew up eating the pizza here, when I'm in the city I try to sneak back and get some more grease. If you're not used to the pizza here, you would probabaly be shocked at the thin crust with shrimp pizza. It's great!

    The staff is typical south side non helpful people, but I expect that from this place. Get the pizza, keep your hand on your wallet and go home!

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