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    This place is quite bad. Disgusting keg lines, gross food ( not sure who comes here for the food), terrible lighting, gross patrons, long lines, overcrowded, and expensive, crappy alcohol. There are better bars, better grills, and better places to hang out on the weekends.

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    Typical college bar in Anytown, USA, fully equipped with Jayhawks banners, etc.  Bartenders were cool and plenty of bar games (darts, etc.).  Cheap drinks.  Did not have food but looked like people were enjoying the wings.

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    If someone doesn't like brother's they're a hater.  I have gone in there and ordered 90 jagerbombs and they have complied willingly.  This isn't the type of place to take seriously nor expect to meet nobel laureates but to drink excessively and grind/make out with a stranger.  This place is great for pregaming and promptly saying gtfo... the place gets packed!  Start out here and make somewhere more accommodating.

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    I have a love/hate relationship with It's Brothers and if I wrote a review probably ten months ago, I would of sold this place down the river. But times have changed, and this place has grown on me.
    Yes, most of the people that go to this bar suck, The place is filled with Ed Hardy/Affliction wearing Olathe Trash (If you went to KU you know what i'm talking about), sketchy dudes from all races and creeds that usually start the brawl that happens  every weekend outside at closing time.  Yes, it gets over packed during the school year and the floors haven't been cleaned since Clinton was in office. And to top it off, your most likely going to have to pay a five dollar cover unless you went to high school with one of the door guys.
    Why this place perseveres all of the above: Beer here is usually a dollar sometimes two dollars max. I have never paid more than four dollars for a double well and I think its usually two dollars on most nights. It's a good sign I cannot remember the prices after going there at least once a week for four years because I get shit housed for under twenty dollars every time.
    You know what is also awesome? Tuesday night at brothers. On Tuesday night, you pay  a three dollar cover, unlimited free tacos (3 at a time, 4 if you tip) and 32 oz make your own drink for 3 dollars (equivalent to two double wells). The bartenders here are awesome, some of the quickest and most laid back  in Lawrence. You can easily get a table here and you will forget your surrounded by a bunch of fly-over state suburbanite castoffs.  And since the opening of the Cave, Brothers has gotten way less trashier.  
    So come to Brothers and watch the Morris twins put no work into getting laid while having a dollar beer.

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    For two months I have had this review waiting, incomplete on my Yelp "desktop" containing only three little words "Fuck this place"  This has been my opinion of It's Brothers Bar & Grill for quite some time.

    I've given this place a couple of shots -- I've visited with close friends, I've visited with schoolmates, and I've hated it each time.  There's something about the whole vibe of this place that rubs me wrong.  Many people in a college town will complain about a place being full of "Frat Guys"  I take umbrage at that as I was in a fraternity in my undergraduate years at a mid-sized midwestern land grant university, so I've actually met a lot of fraternity men.  I like to believe that what most people mean by "Frat Guys" is entitled self-important assholes -- if that's what "Frat Guys" means, then It's Brothers has them in spades.  

    I'm not averse to crowds, but somehow this hole has drawn enough of a crowd every time I have visited that it is difficult to move from seat or a standing space by the bar to the restrooms.  And maybe it's because I'm not a pretty person, or maybe it's because I was 27 instead of the mean crowd age of 21.025, but I have literally stood stood at the bar attempting to flag down a bartender for twenty minutes to try to get a beer while people to the left and right of me got service.  

    I'm an easygoing person, and I've lived in Lawrence for over ten years, and I will visit nearly any bar in this town to have a drink, but It's Brothers is off my list.

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    OK so on any normal night I would definitely give this bar 0 stars ( if possible), but there is a little known fact that on Wednesday nights brothers serves 10 cent wings and $3 pitchers (it may be watered down, but hey $3 dollars is a 12 oz anywhere else). I come here every single Wednesday with my friends and love it. Sometimes the crowd can get a little rough by the end of the night, but considering by the time I get my wings I am already completely full on alcohol it normally turns into an early night. Definitely the BEST bar in Lawrence on a Wednesday, but any other night of the week you are definitely taking a risk.

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    Can't I review with NEGATIVE STARS?!

    I've never been IN this place, but from the outside, driving by, trying to get home, and avoiding the clientele, I feel I "know" the place well enough to at least give my opinion...

    Maybe it's the cultural celebration of all things "douche", but this place seems to have anticipated the trend, and faster than you can say MTV Reality Show, this place is teeming with what's gross about living in a college town.  And I ain't talkin' bout stained, sad, abandoned couches pushed to the curb every May when the students leave town...

    Anyone with half a brain can see what this place is all about: cramming in as many people with a palette only sophisticated enough to appreciate Lite Beverages and seeing what kind of mayhem can happen under those circumstances.  It's probably only one step up in there from the horrific Bullwinkle's only a few blocks away on Frat Row, but both places seem as nightmarish and inhuman as any scene of despair from "Apocalypse, Now!"

    To me, this place seems like the antithesis of everything that makes Lawrence awesome.  I just don't get it...but, then again, it's not FOR me, it's for....well, it's for those kinds of people that really LIKE that sort of thing, that feel they "belong" in a place like that, where they can "beat the beat" and ape their favorite quasi-celebrities from VH1.

    Gotta corral them someplace, I guess.  Better there than messing up the rest of Mass St.

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    This place wasn't horrible the first year or to it was open but it didn't take long for it to go down hill fast.  Every year I go back this place seems to be attarcting a trashier crowd.  Not to mention just the overall setup of the place is empty, the bartender are girls who have no idea how to pour drinks unless the order contains the ingredients (i.e .Gin and Tonic).  I cringe every time someone mention goingt o this place.

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    A few shootings, countless fights, frat/gangster mix... Avoid at all costs.

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