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    I have not eaten there yet but the owner Jim is one of the nicest & funniest people I have met in a fun & friendly city. He appreciates your business & cares about your experience there. His attitude is reflected in his staff as well. Great people, I will give it 5 stars as soon as I get a chance to eat there.

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    Close your eyes and think of England.

    I feel like being miserable and on the verge of suicide. Let's go to Riley's.

    Tonight's itinerary must include a confused sports bar with washed up old men, top 40 hits, and everyone else who has not grown out of their high school phase. Orange skin a plus.  Let's go to Riley's.

    Years to weeks to days to hours, man when is my life going to end? I give up.  Let's go to Riley's.

    Make the most out of your time on Earth and indulge in the sweet temptation that is Riley's.  It's better than a sinus infection.

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