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    Got a turkey sandwich at about 2:15pm on November 24th.  I don't want to get into any gory details but suffice it to say I was running to the toilet from 8:30pm until 3:30am.  Throw in a few occasions of painful vomiting during that time and you have yourself a terrific evening.  

    Wake up at 6:30am on 3 hours of crappy sleep to drive to Detroit for Thanskgiving.  Awesome.

    What has two thumbs and will never eat Jimmy John's again? THIS GUY!

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    I go to this location SOLEY because it's very close to my office.

    Also, because it's Jimmy Johns, and their bread has crack in it.

    So that's the positive.  Let's get to the negative.  Every time I come to this location, I leave feeling stressed.  Do I come during the height of the lunch rush?  NO!  I come at 11:30!  There's maybe like 2 other customers there when I show up, but all the workers are in crazy lunch rush mode.  They want to get you through the line and out the door as soon as humanly possible....and at 11:30 am, it's just not needed.

    They scream at you to give them your order:  "HI MA'AM WHAT CAN I GET FOR YOU?  HELLO!  HELLO!  CAN I HELP YOU?"  and then when your order is ready literally 2 seconds later, the screaming resumes..."NUMBER 7!  NUMBER 7!"  They scream as if their lives depend on it, and guess what?  It's a huge effing turn off when you're one of two customers in the place!

    I don't know about you, but my day is already stressful enough as it is.  They call it a "lunch break" because it's supposed to be a break...but as I sit here eating my bootlegger, I'm still on edge from being yelled at by people who are supposed to be SERVING ME.

    Yes Jimmy Johns, I GET IT, you're fast.  Whoopidy do for you.  Take it down a couple notches though, pretty please...for me?  Just greet me with a smile and a nice "hello" and don't make me feel rushed if I'm not quite sure what to choose out of your many yummy options.  

    JJ's, you probably know the person writing this review...it's me, the girl who comes in once a week and yells back "I'M NOT READY!  HOLD ON A SECOND, OKAY?"  I'm sure you know me :)  I never yell unless you yell first!

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