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    Went here on techno thursday. The music was pretty good. Very tribal. The decor (near christmas) was very funky. TV screens were tilted side ways, christmas trees turned upside down, and hung on the ceilings. It was very creative even though it looked like it was on a budget. The waitress, coat check, and service was suitable.
    Now for the Cons:
    -Entrance for both guys and girls is a whopping 20 bucks.
    -1:8 girl:guy ratio.
    -Security was super unfriendly.
    -This club will be empty till atleast 1:30 to 2 am in the morning. Then it will get full.
    -The place has alot of smoke/fog machine and they can over do it sometimes. Plus there is hookah in there. Plus people smoke cigarettes and weed in there. (ahha the weed i dont mind so much.) It gets alittle hard to breathe.

    I had an mediocre time but I don't think I would ever go again.

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