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    I was pretty excited when I heard this place was opening up on Main Street.  The restaurant itself is cool, I think it used to be an old record shop.  There is a large central bar with lots of flatscreens usually showing sports, and several tables along the walls.  We stopped in to try out the place, get a drink and maybe an appetizer.  The place was dead, we actually asked the bartender if they were open (which they were).   After looking at the menus, basically salads and sandwiches (none of which sounded appetizing), we realized there was nothing we wanted to eat.  Myself and my friend are vegetarians, and generally don't eat salads, especially when drinking beer at a sports bar, so there was nothing at all for us to order.  We had a beer and left.

    A few weeks later we decided to give them another try, hoping they were just tweaking the menu and maybe experiencing some new restaurant problems.  Nope, same experience: one guy at the bar, possibly the owner, and our table of two.  Same weird menu-we still didn't want a salad at a place that touts itself as a sports bar.  We had our beers and left, probably won't come back again this time.

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