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    Latin American Seafood joint.
    Large, and empty on a Friday night at 7PM. Pool table. ¿Qué?
    Good French Fries. ¿Qué?

    I'm not big on seafood, but love Latin American food, my oldest son was with me.
    He asked about Seafood as we were driving, it was Lent.

    He ordered steak tacos, I ordered the Shrimp el Caribe.
    Shimp was kind of OK, I've had better french fries, came with fresh lettuce and tomato, Shrimp served on a moist bed of white rice with peas and carrots(fresh).
    French Fries. ¿Qué?

    One other couple with their niño, friends of the cook?
    Nice waitress, but didn't know what the shrimp that takes the restaurant's name from consisted of except shrimp, spices, and chilli.
    I cook Mexican all the time and rattled of the possibilities. She wasn't sure and didn't take it upon herself to ask the chef.
    Did I say they weren't busy?

    I understand why the pool table is there, its to keep the cook occupied.

    Men's bathroom broken, Women's toilet seat drenched and mud/water(?) in front of the area where a man would stand.
    Looked like the room had been in that state for hours/yesterday(?).
    Did I say they weren't busy? Maybe that was the nonexistent bus-boy's job?

    Too bad.

    DJ booth in the corner - probably not used, ever?
    Bad sign on a Friday night.

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