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    Ordered From here at 12:30 and the time limit was 1:15 for us to get our food. Around 1:40 we still did not have our food. We called master pizza and asked where our food was. without even asking for our names the person that answered said the driver should be there in a couple of mins. Finally at 2:00 our food came. It was luke warm and the curly fries tasted like they had been sitting out for over an hour, they were so dried out. Never again is our office ordering from this place..wouldnt even give this place one star but had to otherwise could not leave a review

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    We used the 3 medium pies for $19.99 coupon we had gotten in the mail, which got us three plain cheese pies.  The crust was thin and soggy and the cheese was heavy and not warm enough or just a type of cheese that didn't melt quite right.  We were still hungry after eating these pies, which we forced ourselves to on principle.  Found the service to be rude as well when we went to pick up our order.

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    Very friendly and work-efficient staff.  Also, this place has by far the best coupon deals of pizza places in Livingston(the trick is to take their coupons to Livingston PIzza, which honors all competitor's coupons).  The pizza and food are good too, but are imo unfortunately overshadowed by some other pizza joints in town.  3.5 stars

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    I wouldn't dine in here. There's a pull up to counter area to sit at that fits maybe 5 people in a really tight space. And it's just super hot because this place is tinyyyyy and the oven is right there. I couldn't wait to get back outside.

    The parking is horrible and awkward.

    But the pizza was pretty damn good.

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    They charge for delivery.  Who does that these days? Didn't know this until I actually looked at my receipt. I live up the road, do you really need to charge me $1.25? They have tons of coupons you can use - find them online, in the local paper or mailer, but be prepared, they will deduct tax from your coupon. Are you friggin' serious...on all counts?

    As for the food - nothing to write home about. Whenever we have ordered from here, any fresh veggies we get on the pizza come undercooked and the cheese is falling off because it hasn't cooked all the way through. This will happen even if you ask for it well done.

    Also be warned - if you don't order a large pie, it will come thin crust. That is how they do it and they don't tell you until you ask why your pizza came thin crust instead of regular.  Since they offer thin crust pizza at a different price, this is thoroughly confusing to the customer.

    Save your time and your money and move on to the next pizzeria! I know I am.

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    Haven't tried much of the food here but the pizza is terrible.  No consistency and delivery takes forever.

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    Very very disappointing. When ever I was in the West Orange/Livingston area at lunch time I would stop in for delicious margarita pizza. I would grab a couple of slices and be on my way.
    So enjoyable, fresh mozzarella, plum tomato sauce, fresh basil, maybe some olive oil and THATS IT!
    Well tonight I ordered a margarita pie that someone else picked up. This was not the pizza I was expecting. This was amateur at best. It had regular mozzarella sliced which looked waxy, plum tomato sauce, some fresh basil,  and alot of dried basil, which doesn't even belong on there.
     When I called to question what I had received, I had to explain to two different people and I guess the second guy was of importance because he got defensive. He insisted it was the same pie, same recipe as always. Half hearted he offered a new pie , but said it would be the same thing. Yeah, that helps!
     Needless to say I will never go back and not recommend this place to anyone I care about. If you want a very good margarita pizza the way it should be, Shop-Rite in Parsippany is a good choice, believe it or not, and they are friendly!

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    I've never eaten the pizza here and have never been to this place.  
    However, my co-workers and I usually order lunch from here on a regular basis.  Compared to some of the other restaurants in town, I prefer this one.  They offer a variety of wraps, sandwiches and salads.  I've been satisfied with my orders each time.  They deliver in a timely manner and their prices are reasonable.

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    First of all let me start off with a warning. Do not eat this pizza!!! It will leave you feeling like vomiting or diarrhea or some combo of the two. It is by far the worst pizza I've ever had and I have had a lot of pizza. If you pick any random pizza place in Jersey it will be better than this place. I cannot understand why this place is still in business. Probably because the people who eat here have never have real pizza.
           The last time I had pizza from here I tasted 3 types cheese, pepperoni, and some type of potato Bacon thing. The cheese is by far the worst. When you get the pizza it doesn't even look real it looks like those cartoon drawings of a pizza. The cheese on the pizza is what makes the pizza so terrible. It tastes like play dough and overall does not look appetizing. The sauce is the second problem. I know for a fact they opened a jar of your standard pasta sauce already with the ingredients in it. That sauce is crap. They add sugar in it when tomato sauce doesn't need any sweetness. The dough tastes like frozen pizza dough. Now I will compliment one thing. That potato Bacon cheese thing actually has a good taste to it because they don't use the sauce and its a better cheese. Problem is its over priced and will leave you feeling sick afterward if your not used to eating crap food. If you are so desperately seeking a slice of pizza from this place, have a strong stomach and aren't afraid of getting food poisoning then go ahead and have a slice.
         My biggest problem with this place is that its pizza isn't real pizza. It's far from Italian. Lots of  people from Livingston seem to enjoy eating this pizza  and its been in business awhile so they must be doing something right. But seriously, go somewhere else. I've heard great things of star tavern and reservoir used to be good awhile ago. And when I said pick any random pizza place and it'll be better than Master Pizza I was serious. Happy eating.

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    This is some of the worst pizza I've ever had.

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    I only had two slices of plain pizza but it was not good at all.  Very greasy and the crust is super thin.  Nothing against the help, they were very nice but the pizza just was not good.

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    Master is some of the most consistent pizza in the area over the last decade.

    Forgetting the fact half of the people I know from high school have delivered from here, the delivery is pretty good and most of the cheese stays on the pie.  My personal preference is meatballs (always sliced), and they do it as well as anyone.  Good cheese (not too greasy) and the crust is always crisped nearly perfectly.

    Also good for meatball/chicken parms, deli sandwiches, and they also serve Cluck U wings, which are always meaty and made with a perfect amount of sauce.

    You can also almost always find coupons for them too, either in the mail packets or on the back of the menu (assuming you have that before ordering or can get them to take it from an online PDF menu).

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