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    Yuk!  I should have heed the warnings...this is the worst jerk chicken I've ever tasted.  Poor westside, can't get quality "jerk" crusine...like in the southside of Chicago.  First my wings came from a baby chick!  There was no jerk seasoning to be found on the lil chicky & did I say the wings were the size of a premature chicken???  Maxine's food does not taste at all like authentic caribbean/jamaican food.

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    I was driving out to River Forest along Madison, and saw Maxine's on the left side of the street. Now, I recently went to Jamaica for my honeymoon, where I became addicted to jerk chicken. I've tried numerous times to find a place that offered high quality, authentic jerk chicken in Chicago, but nothing ever compared to the real thing.

    Anyways, once I saw the sign for Maxine's, I knew I had to try it. So, I Googled it, looked at the menu and other reviews, and made my mind very quickly - I will stop at Maxine's on the way home. I was in the car with my wife and my buddy, and they were a little hesitant to actually stop in (I mean, it's not the most savory neighborhood, and we were the only white people anywhere near the restaurant). But being the foodie that I am, there was no way I wasn't going to stop.

    I parked the car, walked into Maxine's, and it totally blew me out of the water. The staff was incredibly nice and welcoming (really reminded me of the folks I met out in Jamaica), and talked to us the whole time. They had some great suggestions (like getting the XL tips instead of the Large tips) - now I have leftovers.

    And the food. The food was excellent. Exactly how I remember it tasting on the islands. The chicken was ultra tender, and the spices and sauce had just enough heat to warrant a drink (oh, and they have TING!). All in all, it's  a great place, and I can't wait to order some catering from here too. Don't let your fear of the neighborhood prevent you from stopping here. It's definitely worth it.

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    The only reason I'll travel to the westside. Jerk chicken tips? On point!  I wish yall were still out south.

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