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    Billed as "home cooked Filipino food," this simple diner adds a unique and new flavor to the area. Mostly sold as combos, the menu items change daily, with a few items available every day.

    These include the standards of lechon, adobo, pancit behon, and lumpia. I got a three-item combo to go, and with the soup included found it enough food for three people (seriously).  The food was very flavorful, and reminiscent of food made by Filipino friends years ago while working on Kauai.  My only regret was not ordering more lumpia - at four for $1, I should have gotten 12 or more to share once home.  

    There's a karaoke stand in the corner, and a selection of baked goods at a different counter.  This is clearly a family-run operation, and hopefully will do well in the area  and at this location.  Certainly a welcome addition to the area!

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