Cheap beer and cheaper thrills. There hasnt been a Saturday night where i havent been able to enjoy Hockey Night on CBC while doublefisting PBRs and peoplewatching at this place. I love it. I dont care that the bathroom looks like it oozes Three Stooges Syndrome. I dont care that you can barely hold a conversation at night cause its so loud. I dont even care about the perpetual use of the pool table. This joint is cheap and awesome. I can come in dressed to the 9s and after about 5 minutes, I stop sticking out because NOBODY CARES. Its beautiful.
When I leave Olympia, I'll definitely miss this place.
Used to hang out at McCoy's until a few years ago. Somewhere something went wrong with that place. Maybe all the junkies started showing up when the old BroHo got bought out and turned into a hipster joint.
Anymore it's just a good place to get roofied or have some drunk pick a fight with you.
Gross bar. The people that hangout there leave you worried about where this country is going. Never been around so many people stuck in the 80s.
I'm all for a strong drink at a good price. However, I need to be able to drink it. It was like drinking rubbing alcohol. I took 2 sips and left.