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    I've been to this McDonald's several times since it's near work.  I tend to think only people who have had bad experiences will take the time to write a review, which I don't think reflects very well.  For how many people they serve at lunch (from Lane Tech students to nearby workers to families), I think they've done a pretty consistent job at being quick and having the food taste good (for McDonald's standards).

    On the downside, drive-through ordering has a bit of an awkward setup (especially if you want to head left after you leave).  They also tend not to accept a lot of promotional coupons.  The quality of the food dips a bit after lunch.

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    Drive-Through sucks for Customers AND Employees! I was here last winter and they built what looks like a parking lot payment booth on the edge of the building so you can pay before you get up to the next window. You have to swing sharply around this booth because the lot was most certainly designed before the booth was added. Last winter I saw a super elder employee wearing a jacket in this booth. I am certain they can not keep this booth up to required heat levels in chicago! I felt so bad for this old lady wearing a thick coat and scarf! The summer before I brought my neice to play in the playhouse and it was hotter than heck in there when I asked for airconditioning they said "its broken" about a week and a half later it was still hot and still broken or so I was told. You think that if a company like McDonalds called a heating and aircondition company they would be there like super fast! I think it was cost cutting saving electricity!

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    Crappy female manager who argued with me when I "dared" to return a grilled chili chicken wrap which these idiots added MAYONAISE!  Oh, you need to tell us no mayo when you order.  Oh, do I also have to tell you to make sure the food is hot, and not appearing as though a 2 ton elephant had sat upon it?  Give me a big mac, oh no.....you will get another wrap, this time you need to ask to hold the mayo.  Hmmmmm, with WENDY's, White Castle, Popeyes and a ton of other choice, how about you "hold that chicen wrap between YOUR KNEES?"

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    My daughter visited the PlayLand area, which had signs that stated "NO BARE FEET," by requirement from the Health Department, and that socks were available to purchase if needed. My family and I read signs and obey them, so I made sure that my daughter wore socks. However, other people's children were playing in bare feet. I would say that at least half of the kids in the PlayLand were without socks! I brought this to the attention of the managers in the store THREE times! Once, a manager came over and simply watched for about two minutes and then left. Other managers dismissed the complaint! Some one needs to enforce these rules, because they serve a purpose: health! I am very disgusted and disappointed by this restaurant, and their disregard for basic health and safety issues.

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    This has to have one of the sloiwest drive thrus of all Mcdonalds. This was incredible and how they can have this in chicago is beyond my guesses. I waited fifteen minutes for three cars ahead of me one late night. There was not much activity inside and they had more than enough workers to prevent this,

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    I was dying of thirst in yesterday's heat so I stopped by for a dollar large coke. There was only one car in front of me but I think they ordered at least 20 items from the dollar menu. So I say behind them patiently waiting for my coke. (secretly hoping they would be asked to pull ahead and wait as I have been asked to do on several occasions). Finally, they get all of their food and I get my coke. Or so I think. As I am getting onto 90 I take a sip and realize it is root beer. I was sad. But not willing to go back.

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    People... its MC DONALDS! Stop taking it so seriously. Don't like the fries, ask for fresh ones. Viola! You'll have them in a few minutes. I love goilng there, I get myself a side salad or a mcdouble (with mac sauce, shreadded lettuce, minus ketchup and mustard, $1.45 instead of the BIG MAC price) and the kids a 10 piece chicken nugget meal. Under $7 for the three of us to eat and they can play and play and play until they burn out. They always knock the hell out for the night when I get home... worth more than $7 if you ask me! Eat at home and have a parfait, lets the kids play for $1. Good budget eat & play place!

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    Management is rude and disrespectful as well as argumentative, to the customers. McDonald's Corp. should be embarrassed. I had just experience just recently with cold and old food, and I even dared to return the sandwich, and boy did I catch hell from the Manager Lady. After these reviews here and on yahoo, I may be contacting the headquarters, after all, they are the closest one to my house. I should have to contend with that no matter what.

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    I went to this McDonald's for dinner and after I ordered my food and pulled up to the window they handed me a drink caddy with my drinks and two glasses in it that I didn't ask for. (I believe they charged me for these without me knowing, unless they are free.) Then I was instructed to pull forward and wait. I have had this happen before and it usually isn't a big deal. After waiting for a little bit the guy came out with my food. When inspecting it I asked him for my other french fry and he went in and grabbed it. When He came back I had inspected the bag a little more and realized I had an extra 10 piece chicken nugget but was missing another double cheese burger. When I informed him of this he looked at me and told me I was wrong because he made it himself. At this point I was very frustrated after being called a liar over a freaking cheese burger. I asked him to look in the bag and he took it back inside corrected the order by taking back the nuggets (probably to resell them) and replacing it with a burger. (only one of the burgers were made right) when handing me the bag he waved the receipt in my face (something I never received a copy of) and told me it is right now because I have your receipt. I would expect it to be right only to get home and find out that it wasn't. This isn't the first time I have had a problem at this location and I'm a little tired of spending my money at a place that obviously doesn't appreciate it.

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    It's where dreams come true.

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    It has not improved the service. Sunday morning, one long line at the one register open. Lots of staff behind the counter running around looking confused. One guy moping the floor.
    Someone says, "STEP OVER, STEP OVER."  One employee is at a register very busy pushing buttons. So I, "Step Over" to her. She looks up at me - annoyed look on her face, and says something in a foreign language, shakes her head "No" and then she leaves the register.
    The one line at the one operating register is even longer. Still the group behind the counter mills around looking clueless.
    I go out.
    I may come back in a couple of years.

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    Denied me a vanilla cone b/c it was "too late" assholes. Whats the point in being open for 24 hours?

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