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    This is my second favorite place in all of San Antonio for a good night out.  I went for the first time Friday, and honestly, it was refreshingly calm, not as crowded as I imagined it would be, and exciting.  I have never two-stepped before (new to TX), and to watch some of the couples do some "advanced" two stepping, was very exhilarating.  Eventually I met a man who taught me to two step, and it was very fun.  

    The bartenders were good and quick.  I ordered simple beer so I can't speak for their drink mixing abilities.

    The facility is mostly indoors, with several tables, booths, etc, strewn about the hall, and in the middle a circular dance floor.  The DJ plays mostly country music, but every once and a while will stop for some line dancing (Wobble, Copperhead Road, Cupid Shuffle, Footloose, Etc etc) and Top 40 jams.  There are about..6-7 pool tables in the hall on both sides, as well as one BlackJack table (which I'm not sure if they were using real money or just play chips).  They have a small area outside where you go to smoke.  

    There were two food trucks outside when we left at 2AM, and they were there when we got there around 11 as well.  One was a Tacqueria and the other was a BBQ joint.  I can't speak on food quality or if they are always there, but my friend says there is normally some type of food out there.  

    The crowd inside was a mix of both young and old, and everyone I met was super respectful.

    I honestly can't wait to return and take some more friends with me.

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    I definitely recommend this place. When I came to visit San Antonio I went out to Midnight Rodeo and I loved it. Bartenders were fast to get our drinks. Now, that I live in SA I work here! So come visit me, buy some shots, & enjoy your night with friends! You won't be disappointed. :)

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    I was a bit nervous to show up here alone on a Friday to meet some co-workers. I assumed it would be packed, full of (you know whats). I have been proved wrong yet again. $2 drafts was a major plus! I spend $6 and left with quite a buzz. There are no shortage of dance partners at this place. Not crazy about a cover being charged especially on military appreciation night when ho's in skanky "uniform" get in free but (me) wife of a Marine are told to pay cover even with i.d. (which isn't the girl at the podiums fault but management could get it together).

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    Love the atmosphere---lots of country music to dance to........not much other music, maybe 15 minutes out of each hour.  So, if you are looking for a country bar, come on over!!  If you are looking for a club to dance to some booty music, you can probably find a better hang out!!

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    Old school racetrack style honkey tonk, full of old people, I think the local nursing home takes field trips here.  Good drink specials though, and some of the best people watching I have ever experienced.

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    So upon skimming my past reviews I noticed I reviewed Wild West and not their counterpart Midnight Rope-A-Ho (rodeo.) Awww... yes, where it all started well besides Bluebonnet & Coyotes.
    Yes that's right the original racetrack dance hall could be lingering on the past glory days. I went on a Friday, you'd think weekend night it's going to be packed. Not the case, in fact, I can honestly say we were the younger crowd. Considering I no longer need X's on my hands nor the wristband    :( that sucks.
    What happened to my beloved Rope-A-Ho...... has everyone left you for lounge clubs and dare I say it Cowboys (Far West?)
    Enough with memory lane...... GOOD place to get your drink on, cheap...we are talking $1.00 well. That could be why Friday was so empty, they got desperate.
    Bad place to pick up people your age, so if you want to dance go with ppl you know. Did I mention cheap?
    Bar staff, friendly.....attentive and well they need the money so they wait on everyone as fast as possible and if they see you twice your in!
    If you under 25 come here get a buzz and go find some tail,somewhere else. If your over 30 then come here and get a buzz and go home before you have to pay the babysitter extra.

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    Can this be true?? I haven't reviewed Midnight Rodeo?? Well stop the presses kids, the time has come.

    There's nothing I love more than gettin' all dolled up and finding a room full of cowboys in need of a dance partner. I've been coming to Midnight Rodeo since the days of big, fat ole Sharpied X's on my hands (just one or two years ago if anyone's counting, right?). I have made (and, errr... lost) many memories spinning around that dance floor. Midnight Rodeo may be smaller than Cowboys, and less historic than Gruene Hall, but it's definitely the most affordable place to find country music and a dance floor in town.

    You'll hear mostly country tunes but every hour or so they stop the two-steppin' to play some pop music. I could do without that, but whatever, it gives me a chance to grab a fresh drink and make the rounds saying hi to whomever I haven't met yet. Like Chavah A said, the people watching here can be the best part of your night if you want it. It's great for a date or a girl's night. Just be sure to wear your dancing shoes!

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    I was taken by a dashing young cowboy so my review might be a little up in cloud 9... its good because you actually have room to dance and not run into people every which way unlike other cowboy clubs in San Antonio! Wednesday is a good day to go, plus it was free! Great place to go if you already have your date and just want to dance

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    Midnight-rope-a-ho has been a staple in San Antonio for over twenty years I think.  I started going here when I turned 21.  I have lots of memories and some I won't remember haha.  Let me start off with the pros.  The dance floor is great and music selection can be quite diverse.  The drink prices are not too bad unless you start buyin shots and then it gets out of hand.  But that tends to happen when you start buying shots. I've noticed throughout the years there is an ebb and flow in the age group.  Sometimes you go and there are lots of young people and other times its an older crowd.  I do like that its 21 and up so you don't have the overwhelming smell of permanent marker from all the under age peeps.  The one thing I have t knock on this place is the smoke...  It can be down right overwhelming at times.  They really should try to do something to cut down on the smoke.   Other than that Midnight Rodeo can be lots of fun with a large group.  You have to go to midnight at least once to be considered a San Antonio native.

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    I don't mind Midnight Rodeo. I love the way their dance floor is literally like a race track so you can see people dance from the inside or the outside of the dance floor. It's a very mixed crowd which makes for some really fun people-watching time. I like the variety. I once was approached by a woman who had been a stripper for like 15 years. She proceeded to tell me about her duaghter and then we talked about ahir for 15 minutes. Random but entertaining. The music is normally pretty decent. It's basically a variety show but make sure you go with a group of people - it's way more fun. This wouldn't be the ideal spot to pick anyone up. It's merely entertainment with some country-dancing intertwined

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    As a country western dancer, I gotta say this place isn't that great. This was my first, and probably last, time here. Firstly, the place is full of smoke. My eyes started watering within 5 minutes of walking in. San Antonio needs to catch up and implement the city-wide smoking ban.

    I danced with a random sample of ladies. The gist is that the ladies can't follow simple leads. The best follow was the girl that claimed to know nothing.

    On the positive, large dance floor and large space to walk around.

    Never saw anybody doing west-coast/whip.

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    Where the grown up locals go (mostly).  So if you want to get some country/swing dancing in on the weekends you only have 2 real choices.  Midnight Rodeo, or Cowboys, everyplace else, has floors too small to really dance country.  
    Of the two, Midnight rodeo tends to be the friendliest and most dance friendly.  
    The music is very precicable, you will always hear 1 or 2 waltzs, a nightclub 2 step, 2-3 triple 2's, 2-3 country 2 steps, 1 fast swing, 2-3 Pop songs that you can dance west coast and or Cha cha too, and that is the pattern of music that DJ follows.

    The floor is a race track design is which is good for the progressive dances, but not so good at other times, as you can get run over.

    YOu can usually find the dancers in the center island area of the floor and the people here tend to be very friendly on friday nights.  On saturday night there are more kids but still pretty friendly.

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    This is what a real County Western Bar is all about. Great place to dance, great music and drinks that kick ass. Only thing they could use is a mechanical bull

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    I'm probably gunna get shot after this review, but I'm not much of a country girl. I don't do wranglers or guys with big belts and tight jeans. I don't really listen to country music....and I don't drive a big truck. But the bartender was making some kick ass drinks and I was totally trashed by midnight. I even flirted with the rent-a-cop at the door for a little while. I don't remember much after that, so I will just assume I had a great time. I also didn't wake up with a headache so kudos to the bartender for pouring the good stuff.

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