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    It's just ok.

    My friend really wanted to try this place based on reviews. Plus she had an inkling for chicken without the guilt.

    Personally, I believe the chicken was sort of bland and dry. As for the sides.... the macaroni and cheese was generic and the green beans failed to entice me. She really enjoyed it, however.

    I personally would not order it for myself again.

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    I consider myself a food snob. I have traveled and lived in many places across the world. Hong Kong, London, Charlotte, Monterrey, etc. I can, confidently say without a doubt, this is the best chicken i've ever tasted in my life. The chicken with the spicy green salsa... Amazing.

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    We walked into this place because it was too hot to cook and we wanted to try something we hadn't before. Everyone was sticky and crabby so if the place was a bust it was going to be a bad day.  The baseball game was on, perfect for a sunny day and the folks behind the line greeted us warmly. As we sat down my husband ordered whole chickens (that's the thing at this place) and a few sides. The food was delivered promptly, and the chicken was really juicy and flavorful. We had tortillas, corn, beans and mashed potatoes and while nothing was a revelation, everything was hot, reasonably tasty and a good value. We fed a family of five for about $25 and had much more substantial food than we might at a typical fast food joint. The bathrooms were comfortably clean, the decor is a little awful - bright yellow from floor to ceiling and  a ton of classic Americana artifacts splashed all over the place - but it's got some kind of personality, and the staff was very pleasant. Overall, a pretty good experience for a shot in the dark.

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