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    Yelp! says it best... "Eek! Methinks not!"
    I honestly thought that I was going to make it through my college career without having to step foot in The Palms, but when our annual architecture school soiree ended up here, I couldn't help myself. Oh lawdy, why oh why, The Palms?

    The place could hardly be called a "grill", and the bar is dark, musty-smelling, and the music is far too loud. The only good thing about the place was the pool table, which we spent the whole hour and a half standing around.

    It should come as no surprise that the party ended early, and moved to Brunos Bar & Tavern- a much more savory location!

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    This used to be Waldo's.  They have heads/tails night on Friday where you can flip a quarter and call it and if you get it right you drink free.  Very much a Tulane hangout bar and seems to be more for earlier drinking.

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    The Palms is a complete dive bar, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  But this has to be the nastiest dive bar in the city.  Even the Christmas Lounge, which is practically a shed with a tarp over it, is nicer than this place.  They apparently seldom mop the floors, as you hear a gross sticky sound every step you take.  The bathrooms are particularly bad in that respect, except the source of the stickiness on the floor is not spilled beer, but something else!  So make you you DO NOT wear sandals!

    Lastly, the bouncer is more likely to create a scene and pick a fight with a potential customer than he is to keep order.

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