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    Unfortunately tonight I had my first not so good experience ordering from this location.  We ordered two pizzas. One sausage and olive and one just extra cheese. I many times will order my cheese pizzas well done because I like just a tad crispness to the crust and a slight brown in the cheese and I have never been disappointed however tonight was another story. My pizza was burnt. The crust was hard and had that distinct charred taste which is not ideal in a pizza. I really think it was forgotten or something in the oven. I have never received anything from this Papa Johns that was this poorly made. I guess they decided since our other pizza was ready they would just deliver the burnt pizza to us and hope for the best instead of redoing it but I'm the future it would be appreciated if they just started over. I would rather wait a little longer than be delivered an in edible pizza. I am still awarding two stars instead of one because our other pizza was up to par and the delivery time was still reasonable. I will update again and hopefully my next experience will be back to four stars.

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    There are few options for delivery in Louisville. Out of desperation for easy dining options, I sometimes holler at Papa John. Hometown hero, somethingsomething. The encounter I had with this company tonight is so infuriating, I'm tempted to call the BBB next.

    In short: Customer service is nonexistent. No apologies for their own mistakes.

    - I ordered a pizza online. 30-40 min delivery time. 1 whole hour later, I receive a call from the branch saying *I* must have put in the wrong address bc their location is 20 miles away. No apologies. Somehow,  their software assigned that branch to my address. The employee said another branch could deliver it.

    - I then checked my bank account: I've already been charged.

    - 20 minutes later, receiving no further updates, I call the 2nd branch. They don't know of me. But I can place ANOTHER order now... Though I might be charged twice. And it would take 50-60 minutes!

    - Many phone calls later, after getting not one apology from HQ, I began to doubt the integrity of the gene pool. Not one offer to comp a side of breadsticks. Not any reassurance that they'd look into the whack flow. Just a recommendation that I GO PICK UP a pizza myself to avoid the frustration of delivery.

    - Also: Refunding my $25 will take 3-4 weeks.

    Sell that Mazerati, Johnny, and send your people to 10 minutes of training.

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