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    This place is called Parlay bar now.   It's under new ownership, and I'm not really into the crowd they have there now.  It's sorta Queens ghetto/wannabe, with lots of reggaeton being played and expensive beers and top-shelf liquors and a few bar brawls (but not the rather good-natured ones you might see at an Irish pub).  It's just not my scene.  I will admit that the space is beautiful (they basically kept the decorations the same as Hi-5 had them) but I wish that it was more quaint and artsy like it used to be.

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    So as I'm walking past Werba Reality, I noticed this sign. The Hi-5 bar and grill is for sale.

    That sucks.

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    Best bar in Ridgewood! Cheap drinks, good music, art shows, live bands, no drama on a Saturday night, and the bar tenders are HOT!

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    beautiful bartenders. Live music in Queens. Art on the walls. Star Wars on a projector. Heaven.

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    I went here for a local meetup and it was a lot nicer than expected. It has a rustic, but not dirty atmosphere.  It is very adaptable to hipsters.  

    The night I was there, there was a loud metal band playing live music in the basement.  We ended up leaving to go elsewhere that was quieter, but I would go here again for sure.

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    Great little bar to chill at!

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    I have only been here when a show was happening, so can't speak to an average night, but...

    ...the decor could be described as "naut-acky"(?)... think rum barrels, lanterns, and rope crossed with red neon lights, plus walls covered in art.

    The beers were a very reasonable $3 for Bud and Yuengling.

    The real draw here: basement punk shows! Totally fun, and with Silent Barn's current limbo, the only real music venue in Ridgewood. That deserves and extra star.

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    This place could be such a popping place in Ridgewood if it weren't so against catering to minorities. On three occasions I was denied service given that there was a "private party" when i approached the woman at the bar. Never again will I set foot in this place again!

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