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Reviews & Tips

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    Love this place! My home away from home...both bartenders...guy and girl are awesome! Must get the flaming French toast shot!

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    Love this place. Informal, with some nice choices of snacks and very knowledgeable bartenders. Age of patrons is mixed, from early 20s to relics like me. Especially fun are Friday nights with Karaoke and Saturday nights with a band. The only thing I'd change is turning the amplifier volume down a few decibels on Saturday nights. If you want a stuffy, formal atmosphere, this isn't your place. But if you like to relax and have a good time with friendly like-minded folks, put this place on the agenda soon!

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  • 0

    Great location, more than enough parking. It is a small and next to the  liqour store. on the weekends, Live music is played.

    Lastly, The bartenders are outstanding they work fast and know how to make good tasting alcoholic beverages.

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  • 0

    A little bit of a Hole in the Wall, lots of regulars but a nice place to just wind down, watch the game and play some bags.  

    If you just want to stay low key and have a couple beers without the bells and whistle, this is your place.

    Here are some highlights to this Neighborhood bar:

    -Good selection of booze and beer.
    -Homey Feel
    -Nice Staff
    -Popcorn Machine
    -Live Bands
    -Good For Groups

    I have been coming here for years but not as frequent to be considered a regular but I've never had a bad experience with rude staff or overprice drinks. They bought the store next door so there's lots of space to move around. Always a Good Time!

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