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    I've been to this place twice, because I believe in always giving a place a second shot. But, in the future... I'd rather just hang out in a dive bar, unless I'm pressured by friends or desperate for something to do while I happen to be in that area.

    - The drinks are just about as expensive as a club you'd go to in the city.
    - The DJ has NO idea what proper beat progression is...they go from a hip hop song to classic rock...which might be considered good that they have a wide variety of music, but when the DJ cuts the first song abruptly into the first with absolutely NO transitional blend, it's very off-putting. Or when he mixes two songs that have absolutely no reason to be together. I don't know what people are thinking when they say they have a great DJ, I got a headache both times I went and could barely get a proper dance rhythm.
    - Most people I've seen here seem to be desperate white people who have no idea how to dance. (And no, this isn't racist, I'm white.)
    - Cover charge for guys.
    - Eternal wait for drinks.

    - Surprisingly, they have pretty damn good pizza.
    - They do have an option for these HUGE drinks. But they cost like $12 - $15 and are really meant to get you plastered rather than enjoy a drink.
    - Shot girl walks around, so you might have a chance at getting drunk even if you don't get the attention needed at the bar.
    - Girls get in free, on weekends at least.
    - Pretty spacious, yet has a couple cozy spots.

    Mixed Notes:
    - The crowd is really mixed. I've seen really young girls and pretty damn old couples partying here. Mostly white people from what I've seen, though a person of color isn't unheard of, perhaps I'm just going on Honkie night? (Friday/Saturday??)
    - Mechanical Bull...seems pretty cool...but it has a weight limit and costs something like $5 I think.

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    Went here with a large group of friends last night.  We got there early, so we had the place to ourselves pretty much.  This is a decent sized dance club and the DJ is pretty good.  The bartenders could use a few lessons in customer service.  If you don't have at least a $20 in your hand when you are at the bar, they pass you by.  Not cool.  Also, if you don't  "call" your alcohol, they will give you well drinks.  Trust me, pay the extra $$ for top shelf and save yourself the headache in the morning.

    They do have a mechanical bull for those adventurous folks.  The crowd is widely mixed so everyone fits in.

    The only gripe I have is lack of parking.  And the patrons of this joint can't park to save their lives.  So if you don't want to trade paint with another car, park in the back 40 and walk.

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    Been to this place several times. Cant say that Im impressed!

    The crowd ranges of from 21 (or possibly younger) to OLDDDD!!! Some of the women are attractive while others are.....

    The dress code is iffy! Friends of mine have not been allowed entrance because of their shoes (clearly a "demographic" thing).

    I've noticed that  the EXACT SAME songs are played every night. Now this wouldnt be an issue if I had been here several nites in a row. But my visits have been spread out over the course of months. The place claims to play "Top 40" but what isnt stated is that its "Top 40" from years past!

    The conditions of the restrooms are deplorable: broken toilet seats, tissue and paper towels all over the floor, wet floors.

    The one cool thing that I will say about this place is that the staff is very friendly. Never had an issue with them.

    This place seems to get by because it's the only venue of it's kind in the surrounding area.

    The negro and latin representation is the standard of limiting them to only working as security.

    I noticed that some creepy old guy with an awful goatee and an underweight lady whos trying to pass for 25 though shes clearly 50 always lurk by the entrance (dont know whats up with that).

    I will never return to this place. No point in coming from Glen Ellyn to here when I can just go to Naperville or just drive 35 minutes to the city.

    I first went here in November 2011 and it was PACKED. Over the course of 2012, the crowd has fallen off considerably. Im certain that this place wont exist by this time next year!

    Btw the vodka bar sucks!

    Where's Craig?


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