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    Rooftop Tavern aka the Treehouse is nice place to stop by to kick off a night of bar hopping; especially when DJ Phive Stars is in the building. I couldn't really tell you any of the drink specials but all the bartenders look like dream boats.

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    I'm moving to Savannah next month, I've visited several times over the past few months house hunting. My first trip, I stopped by here only to grab a quick drink to walk around with. I got stuck with the $10 credit card minimum, it turned out to be a great thing. I was forced to stay for a bit. I'm not usually a fan of any bar with a DJ, but I love this place. I've been three or four times since. The bartenders are some of the friendliest in town, and they have been every time. There's a little muscly guy who runs around at break neck speed and couldn't be any nicer. We played foosball on the patio which was great! I was in town yesterday and could only grab a drink, but again, they were wonderful. This might just be "my bar" when I get there next month.

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    This was our 5th or 6th stop, on our drunk as shit in broad daylight bar hopping that lasted two hours. Watch the stairs, watch the stairs and again watch the...you got it. We got there when it first opened. I had to use my card ($10mininum) as they couldnt change big bills yet. Man I cant remember the bartenders name but he was cool and made a killer vegas bomb. I sat on the balcony and downed my Coors Light. We left and came back because we had to take a photo.

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    I'm glad we stumbled in here, great open air bar with tons of sports on the TV's. Bartenders were awesome in helping us get totally "St. Patricked" lol. Sorry I can't review the food...it was liquid refreshments only that we had!

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    The all-American boys who drink profusely and sloppily sing in unison to "Sweet Caroline" all come here. Despite being there a little before the youngin's arrived en masse, you could still tell (by the looks of the place) and the speed of the bartender that this place gets slammed. The bartender was awesome. With nearly 6 people in the bar, he worked at rapid fire speed and spun beer bottles, whipped around as he pour vodka tonics and did everything short of kicking the cash register open with his feet. Gotta love that sense of purpose!

    With a pool table and fooz ball in sight, along with a wrap-around open balcony, it's a great spot to come early and stay late. If you're looking to find a party that's sure to be rockin at midnight, here's the spot.

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    This is a fun bar to grab a few drinks and watch the game.

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    I came to this bar over st Patricks day very early (afternoon-ish) and encountered two of the funniest, coolest bartenders I have ever met. I wish I remembered their names, but one guy had glasses and the other guy had long hair. They hammed it up with us and had me and my wife in tears. We came back to savannah and couldn't wait to see them again. it was a Saturday night around 9 and we were two of the only people in there (flag #1). We noticed neither of those bartenders were there and after 5 minutes of sitting at the bar a short cross-eyed bartender came over blank faced and said, "what do you want" (flag #2). we asked about specials and he said "none" (flag #3). we ordered some beers and all the staff was huddled talking to each other and ignored us, when a tall bartender came and we asked about the two bartenders we wanted to see he blew us off (flag #4). We ordered another round but now it was two dollars more, we asked why and they said happy hour ended. Most bars elect to INFORM their only customers that, but all they did was sit down and do nothing (flag #5).

    We left after an hour to go to some other bar that actually wanted our business. Worst bar in savannah by far. This bar has a great location, horrible horrible staff, and overpriced cocktails. If you want to be left alone (staff included) I recommend this dive bar, if it can even stay in business much longer. Would be great to know where those two are working now, as we come to savannah quite regularly.

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    Not a terribly bad place. It is hard to find good music in this city i find but this place, at least this night, was doing a really good job. It was Saturday and it was all mostly R&B and Hip Hop. The crowd was pretty much the same in here that it is around the city..mostly 20ish crowd with a mix of hipster and frat type lookin guys.

    definitely would come back for the music.

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    While visiting Savannah, me and some friends decided we wanted to experience the local night life one evening.  This was the third (and final) bar we went to. The friends we were entertaining were from Germany and this had been their first time in the States.  After several sub-par, overpriced American beers at the first two joints, they decided they wanted something different.  After explaining to them that beer and lemonade is virtually unheard of on this side of the globe, I ended up going up to the bartender at Rooftop and explaining the situation.  I wish I could remember his name because he made the evening so wonderful for us.  He whipped up a couple different drinks for my friends to try, then joined us on the balcony for a shot.  (A pretty nice gesture for a bartender on a busy Friday night).

    I love Savannah and plan to visit again very soon.  Rooftop tavern is for sure on my list of places around town to visit on a night out.

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    More like a college bar than anything else. Flat screens and 1 smaller pool table. The Rooftop areas are okay and overlook streets on each side. I must admit I have not seen 'black light' art on the walls of a bar in a looooong time.

    We enjoyed it because we where able to people watch on a cool Savannah night during the summer (if there is such a thing).

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    Really liked sitting up on the balcony at the Rooftop. But overall not too exciting of a place. But actually that's fine. It is a nice chill spot. Wasn't too crowded on a Friday night but enough people to not feel like you're in the wrong place.
    Kind of a scary stairwell entrance. One pool table and a foosball table. Despite the foosball table having it's sticky beer covered spots and a cigarette butt on the pitch, we had fun playing.
    Well, I guess I'm not too picky.
    On Saturday til 9, they had a happy hour with a dollar off their drinks. i recommend the PBR 16 oz can for $2, if you're looking for quantity over quality.

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    The only good thing about rooftop is you can sit on the balcony and watch the drunken bar hoppers walking down Congress Street.

    That being said, this bar is usually packed with bros trying to yell/pick up at said female bar hoppers.

    The drink prices aren't anything special. There is a pool table but on busy weeknights it is pretty difficult to play (and most weeknights the place appears closed or is dead). The decor is non-existent. Just black paint everywhere. Sitting outside makes this place bearable.

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    Okay, so the first time I walked into this place I wondered where all the frat boys were coming from, considering SCAD is not exactly a football and keg kind of school, but (and maybe this is just because I went to University of Miami which is THE football and frat boy keg party school) I ignored the polo shirt clad monkeys and got a drink. And you know what? A magical thing happened. The drinks were good, the bar tenders are mostly over six foot gym rats, and my tab is always less than expected. I LOVE IT HERE.

    The line outside the door can be confusing because it is usually for the atm. So ignore it, walk up the stairs and enter the fun. The bar is huge and there is always a spot to get a drink. There are balconies on either side of the bar with tables and chairs which makes it soooo easy to watch all the drunks falling over each other and off their high heels. You can play pool, watch jack ass on the tv and all the while you don't have to worry about people smoking in this bar because it is all open (besides the roof of course) so there is no smoky, smoggy atmosphere to Fiddle with your fun.

    And, if all that wasn't enough, the music in this place rocks at the perfect volume where you can sit outside and talk but still sing along without the people two tables over wishing they could gag you. And I know that for a fact because I love to drink and sing (despite the danger because I'm just a rebel like that).

    The only downside to this awesome drinking place (also known as a bar) is that it gets pretty packed. But, the bathrooms are really clean so they cancel each other out.

    Go there, get drunk, play pool, and laugh at drunk people. Oh, and you might see me there too!

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    This place wasnt bad. the people were working were cool as well as the crowd. what i didnt like is the crown and coke i ordered. the glass was small, and the drink was weak, and it was $7!!!  Really? $7 for a top shelf drink?? thats retarded. Even in San Francisco the top shelf drinks arent that pricey, and this aint no SF thats for sure. Sorry Savannah, thats overpriced. I gave it a 2 star just for drink prices.

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    OMG.  This place was probably the highlight of my trip to Savannah.  A second floor covered balcony with cheap drinks, and a great people watching along Jefferson and Congress.  On a holiday weekend, it was a perfect recipe for drunk obnoxious fun.  I imagine that this place gets to be standing room only late at night , but we lucked out with our timing by arriving shortly after they opened in the late afternoon.

    We started off waving to the touristy tourbus riders who waved at us, to waving at pedestrians, to encouraging them to come up.  And the fun ones did come up and join us, multiplying the good times.  We did get mooned a few times, but all in good fun.  (Hi to Stacy from Michigan, her friend whose name I am blanking on from Duluth, Tom and Pat from Ireland, and everyone else whose name slipped through my addled mind.)

    As evening progressed and date night commenced, we encouraged couples walking by to kiss, and those that did got a round of applause (and got lucky that night, I don't doubt).  Those that refused got booed, because, hey, we're one floor up and not sober.  If you were taking that crowd seriously, you've got issues.

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