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    The BEST ceviche around!!

    I usually frequent this place after a late night of drinking, but I occasionally go sober as well and I can say the ceviche here is verrry fresh and huge!! The small is enough for two people and the large feeds 3-4 people and it's very reasonably priced. I also love all the salsa they put out for you, but I kind of hate that they give so much at the same time. It seems so wasteful to give 1 huge bowl of salsa  (no lie) and 2 large ones for just 2 people. Anyhoo, the other food is decent and the chicken tacos are tasty. The only gripe I have with this place that keeps me from coming back is that it's kind of....CREEPY!!

    The place is HUGE, but everytime I go there is only one other table of patrons eating. It's also a pretty dark place and it's really quiet too so that lends more to the eerie feeling. Also, I don't know who the hell decorated this place, but they must be obsessed with parrots. Everywhere I turn, a freakin parrot appears! Above my booth, by the fountain, near the washrooms. One time I even tried counting all of them and I got to 6...but then I gave up. Nonetheless, I would recommend you check out this place on a late night, especially if you are with a large group of drunks. You'll get served right away and the food is pretty good. Oh and fyi, I think they are now CASH ONLY.

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    Well here's the 2012 review of this place ,IT SUCKS..go to the taco burrito king
    down the street do not stop here..taco bell even blows this joint away..the prices
    are kinda steep for what little you get here..we had 2 burritos and 6 tacos and 1
    pop for 30 bucks..i coulda had a shit load of tb for that price and it proboly would
    no i know it would have tasted better..i should have known it sucked when we
    walked in the door, the frickin place was deserted at 7 oclock..
    How this place stays in biz is beyond me and its open 24 hours too..pity the poor
    waitresses who have to stand around with nothing to do..well can't really say to
    much more nice shit about this dive so i will leave it to you..are we going back
    i really think not..oh and as for the free soup i was expecting from the other
    reviews..they don't have that anymore so don't expect it either..on to look for
    some thing better toodles..

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    24 hour spot across from free parking.
    It's usually empty whenever I come here.  The decor is colorful and there's a fountain in the middle of the restaurant, although I don't know if I've ever seen it on.  The restaurant does have carpet on some parts of the floor.  I know some people that are bothered by carpet at restaurants, so I thought I'd mention it.

    I've ordered the burrito plate a few times.  The price seems a little higher than most Mexican restaurants, but when the massive amount of food comes out, you'll realize you're probably paying for at least 2 meals.  Not the best burrito I've ever had, but it might be one of the biggest.
    There's complimentary chips and salsa.  The salsa has a very intense lime flavor, but it I like it.  They brought out a bowl of chicken soup while the rest of my food was being cooked.  Being vegetarian, I turned it down, but it's an unexpected extra not mentioned in the menu that should win points for everyone that likes free food.
    Last time I was here our waitress was beyond friendly and was always there to check in on us and refill our glasses.
    Great for late night cravings.

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    My husband had mentioned several times that there was allegedly a 24-hour Mexican restaurant nearby that is supposed to be amazing. After a Christmas party I threw, when people got tired of drinking wine and eating cookies, a few of us decided that we were awake enough and hungry enough to need, and I repeat NEED burritos.

    So we ventured out to this hole-in-the-wall that is very eclectic and interesting inside. It was at least midnight, and the place was deserted. We were seated in a booth with a good view of the giant bronze parrot that is perched up front. We were surprised when before we even ordered, a basket of tortilla chips, and two types of salsa were placed in the center of our table, but even more surprised when a big CAULDRON of an entirely different warmed salsa was also placed on our table. Wow!

    We ordered burritos, and before they came out we were also brought soup! I was thrilled, because who doesn't love bonus food? The burritos were made to our specifications, they're the perfect mixture of all the ingredients, everything tastes fresh and perfectly delicious.

    We finished our meals and were sad at the end when we realized the credit card machine was out of order and had to run to the Currency Exchange next door to use their ATM to pay for our food.

    That was my only complaint, I've been back at least twice since then and each time I've been happy with my order, though of course, it's just been a burrito.

    Their menu is extensive and I would recommend it to anyone looking for good Mexican food, good service, and a cozy place to hide out.

    Also, there's a stage, not sure if they ever have bands in there, every time I've gone there's only been one or two other tables, I truly hope this restaurant keeps up through this economy. I'm doing what I can to support a local business, one burrito at a time.

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    We had an early dinner here today with the little one.
    I wanted to clarify that it turns out that the Greek 24/7 restaurant is still open...we just entered the wrong door last time.  There is also free parking in the lot across the street.

    My husband has decided that hands down,  this is his favorite cheap Mexican restaurant.  He would eat Mexican for his last meal if given the choice.  I used to hate Mexican food with a passion. I've acquired a taste for it since becoming pregnant, so he is on cloud nine.

    If you've ever had the opportunity to eat authentic Mexican food cooked at home by someone from Mexico...this is as close as it gets.  It's not gourmet..it's real Mexican.  Their refried beans for instance...you can tell that they were soaked, cooked, and refried in a pan...not canned, you even get a few burnt pieces like you would at home.  
    This place really treats you like a guest when dining here.  you are immediately served cups of chicken soup with carrots and pasta.  They also give you huge refillable baskets of home made chips with three kinds of salsa, green chili, pico de gallo and a red salsa that is served hot.  The heat just sneaks up on you.  
    On my first visit, i ordered their garlic shrimp dinner.  It comes with rice, beans, lettuce, tomatoes and tortillas.  it was delicious.  Today...I ordered Chiles Rellenos, because I coveted my husband's dinner last time.  It was the best Chiles Rellonos that I have ever eaten outside of someone's home.  Perfectly cooked, the batter light and yummy the way that it should be, not too eggy or too thick like bread.  My husband ordered a steak burrito which also came with rice and beans.  We also ordered another side of rice and beans and guacamole for the little one.  The portions were gigantic!  We still have enough leftover for a full meal.  My husband's burrito was filled to brimming with steak....and though he complained of being stuffed he still tried to finish his...he ended up having to bring home half of it.  You can really taste the fresh limes.  I wasn't crazy about the guacamole...it was heavier on tomatoes, onions and cilantro rather than avocado and cost $6.50.  But the whole meal cost only $27 with tax.  That's a steal!
    And yes..they don't have a spot to add tips on their credit card slips.  I don't know if you have to tell them in advance, but we just pay it in cash.  The first time was mortifying...we only brought our debit cards.  We were able to find $6 in change between the two if us.  The waitress was such a sweetheart, she said not to worry about tipping her!  That was a first...but having waited on tables in the past...there was no way that I could ever do that.

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