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    Wow, I don't know what was wrong with the stuff the other guy ordered, but I found it pretty good for a neighborhood place.  I ordered thin crust and it was thin, no problem.  It had a nice little edge of caramelized cheese the way Pequod's pizzas do, which was a pleasant surprise.  The toppings were all very fresh and the peppers had a bit of tooth to them which is how I like them.  If I have a criticism, I'd say that there was a bit too much cheese on the pizza, but it was tasty.

    I tried the fried mushrooms, too and they were lovely.  They weren't mushy or wet the way too many places serve them.  They came with a container of ranch dip which was tasty but not terribly ranch-like.  The pizza came with a dip too.  I chose marinara because I had to choose something.  I don't get the whole dipping-your-pizza thing, but I guess I'm old skool.

    My order arrived in about 40 minutes and it was piping hot.  The delivery guy was really nice, too.  Honestly, I think I got some good bang for my buck since I'll get three meals out of a small pizza and an order of mushrooms, and I'll enjoy them a lot more than some of the neighborhood pizzas I've eaten.

    I'd actually have given Eco three-and-a-half stars but as I can't give half, I upped it because I don't think it really deserves one star.  We'll see how it goes.  And no, I don't like Dominick's pizza.  Just so you know.

    As an addendum I have to say that while I understand why most of the filtered reviews were filtered, I think at least one of them is legit, and it's a very good review.  It's kind of a shame, really.

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    Lousy pizza. If you like Dominos, you might think this is OK. This is the typical super thick crust with scant toppings that you find in cities where people don't know how to make pizza. The fried wings were mushy and tasted like some kind of artificial mcnugget thing, but not in a good way. It was disgusting. Who eats this stuff? Why?? Horrible. I've had better pizza in super markets!

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